[HTML][HTML] Reinforcement learning-driven local transactive energy market for distributed energy resources
Local energy markets are emerging as a tool for coordinating generation, storage, and
consumption of energy from distributed resources. In combination with automation, they …
consumption of energy from distributed resources. In combination with automation, they …
The impact of battery storage on power flow and economy in an automated transactive energy market
This article explores the use of battery energy storage in a transactive energy approach for a
heavily solar-penetrated community. We hypothesize that the efficient market interactions …
heavily solar-penetrated community. We hypothesize that the efficient market interactions …
A game-theoretic approach for charging demand management of electric vehicles during system overload
To manage the charging demand of electric vehicles (EVs) under maximum power limit
constraints, a single-leader-multi-follower Stackelberg game theory-based solution …
constraints, a single-leader-multi-follower Stackelberg game theory-based solution …
Utility-scale energy storage system for load management under high penetration of electric vehicles: A marginal capacity value-based sizing approach
To determine a trade-off between the battery energy storage system (BESS) size and
corresponding benefits in managing the load of distribution systems under high penetration …
corresponding benefits in managing the load of distribution systems under high penetration …
Utility-scale energy storage system for managing EV load in connected distribution circuits
Increased penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) may exacerbate the residential peaks in
distribution circuits due to the coincidence of the residential and EV peak loads. Meanwhile …
distribution circuits due to the coincidence of the residential and EV peak loads. Meanwhile …
{Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Energy Coordination in Demand Response Methods for Residential Distribution Networks
P Atrazhev - 2023 - era.library.ualberta.ca
In the field of collaborative learning and decision-making, this thesis aims to explore the
effects of individual and joint rewards on the performance and coordination of agents in …
effects of individual and joint rewards on the performance and coordination of agents in …