Resilient business process management: framework and services

P Antunes, H Mourão - Expert Systems with Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
This research contributes to extend Business Process Management (BPM) systems with
resilience support. We applied concepts derived from resilience engineering and the study …

Healthcare enterprise process development and integration

K Anyanwu, A Sheth, J Cardoso… - Journal of research …, 2003 -
Healthcare enterprises involve complex processes that span diverse groups and
organisations. These processes involve clinical and administrative tasks, large volumes of …

BPM and exception handling: Focus on organizational resilience

P Antunes - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and …, 2010 -
This paper analyzes exception handling in business process management (BPM) with a
major focus on resilience, ie, the capability to maintain operations under a wide spectrum of …

Mining team compositions for collaborative work in business processes

S Schönig, C Cabanillas, C Di Ciccio… - Software & Systems …, 2018 - Springer
Process mining aims at discovering processes by extracting knowledge about their different
perspectives from event logs. The resource perspective (or organisational perspective) …

IntelliGEN: A distributed workflow system for discovering protein-protein interactions

K Kochut, J Arnold, A Sheth, J Miller, E Kraemer… - Distributed and Parallel …, 2003 - Springer
A large genomics project involves a significant number of researchers and technicians
performing dozens of tasks, either manual (eg performing laboratory experiments), computer …

Automated team selection and compliance checking in business processes

C Cabanillas, M Resinas, J Mendling… - Proceedings of the 2015 …, 2015 -
Plenty of activities in many business contexts must be performed collaboratively, eg, in a
hospital or when organising a conference. Tasks such as team composition and allocation …

From a social wiki to a social workflow system

G Neumann, S Erol - … : BPM 2008 International Workshops, Milano, Italy …, 2009 - Springer
This paper presents an approach for using wikis in an organizational context and a proto-
type implementation for develo** a wiki-based workflow system. We provide general …

MaXCept--Decision Support in Exception Handling through Unstructured Data Integration in the Production Context: An Integral Part of the Smart Factory

LB Kassner, B Mitschang - 2015 48th Hawaii International …, 2015 -
Today, data from different sources and different phases of the product life cycle are usually
analyzed in isolation and with considerable time delay. Real-time integrated analytics is …

[PDF][PDF] ORBWork: A CORBA-based fully distributed, scalable and dynamic workflow enactment service for METEOR

KJ Kochut, AP Sheth, JA Miller - Large Scale Distributed …, 1999 -
Second generation workflow management systems need to deal with heterogeneity of
platforms within and across cooperating enterprises along with legacy applications and …

Effects of relevant and irrelevant primes on idea generation: A computational model

LR Iyer, AA Minai, VR Brown… - … Joint Conference on …, 2009 -
Brainstorming is the process of generating ideas in a specific task or problem context. We
have previously presented a connectionist framework to study the dynamics of idea …