Technology‐based entrepreneurship and regional development: the case of Sweden
Å Lindholm Dahlstrand - European business review, 2007 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to analyse technology‐based entrepreneurship and
its importance for economic growth. Firstly, it discusses the concept of technology‐based …
its importance for economic growth. Firstly, it discusses the concept of technology‐based …
Entrepreneurship and innovation systems: Towards a development of the ERIS/IRIS concept
H Ylinenpää - Enacting Regional Dynamics and Entrepreneurship, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This contribution addresses two important streams of research—innovation system research
basically addressing the system level and entrepreneurship research basically interested at …
basically addressing the system level and entrepreneurship research basically interested at …
Born global or local? Factors influencing the internationalization of university spin-offs—the case of Halmstad University
S Andersson, E Berggren - Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2016 - Springer
A wealth of research in the past decades has examined born globals or international new
ventures, which are firms that from inception view the whole world as a market and as a …
ventures, which are firms that from inception view the whole world as a market and as a …
Schumpeterian versus Kirznerian entrepreneurship: A comparison of academic and non‐academic new venturing
S Roininen, H Ylinenpää - Journal of Small Business and Enterprise …, 2009 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to identify how different modes of resource
configuration, entry strategy and product/market characteristics affect new ventures' start‐up …
configuration, entry strategy and product/market characteristics affect new ventures' start‐up …
[ספר][B] Entrepreneurship policy: Public support for technology-based ventures
C Norrman - 2008 - search.proquest.com
The subject of this thesis is entrepreneurship policy and the focus is on public support
programmes directed to early stages technology-based ventures. It advocates that a broad …
programmes directed to early stages technology-based ventures. It advocates that a broad …
[ספר][B] High-tech internet start-ups in India
HS Krishna - 2019 - books.google.com
Technology entrepreneurship has been receiving growing importance as an effective
instrument to promote national economic growth, both from empirical researchers and …
instrument to promote national economic growth, both from empirical researchers and …
Research, industry and public sector cooperation–a dynamic perspective
A Sandström, H Ylinenpää - International Journal of …, 2012 - inderscienceonline.com
While networks between research, industry and the public sector are regarded as
prerequisites for innovation and regional development, establishing these structures is not …
prerequisites for innovation and regional development, establishing these structures is not …
Incubating businesses
A Alexandersson - 2015 - diva-portal.org
This thesis is about the entrepreneurial process of starting a company in a business
incubator and the incubator management intended to support it. The underlying assumption …
incubator and the incubator management intended to support it. The underlying assumption …
The start-up processes of academic spin-offs and non-academic ventures
S Roininen - 2006 - diva-portal.org
New and small firms are important for the national economic growth, and hence there is a
growing interest among policy makers and researchers in understanding the start-up …
growing interest among policy makers and researchers in understanding the start-up …
Innovative entrepreneurship: Commercialization by linking ideas and people
AL Dahlstrand - The Innovation Imperative, 2009 - elgaronline.com
Entrepreneurship and innovation rank high on policy agendas. Both are considered vital for
economic growth and industrial renewal. Also their combination, that is, innovation-based …
economic growth and industrial renewal. Also their combination, that is, innovation-based …