The Common Agricultural Policy, EU enlargement and the conservation of Europe's farmland birds

PF Donald, G Pisano, MD Rayment, DJ Pain - Agriculture, Ecosystems & …, 2002 - Elsevier
The populations of many species of farmland bird declined greatly across Europe during the
last quarter of the twentieth century, indicating severe damage to the continent's biodiversity …

Roles of raptors in a changing world: from flagships to providers of key ecosystem services

JA Donázar, A Cortés-Avizanda, JA Fargallo… - Ardeola, 2016 - BioOne
Birds of prey have been, in comparison to other avian groups, an uncommon study model,
mainly due to the limitations imposed by their conservative life strategy (low population …

Farming and wildlife in Mediterranean agroecosystems

CK Sokos, AP Mamolos, KL Kalburtji… - Journal for Nature …, 2013 - Elsevier
Mediterranean ecosystems are rich in wildlife species and habitats. In the last decades
human pressure is increasing in lowland and coastal areas, while mountainous and island …

Modelling the impact of agricultural abandonment and wildfires on vertebrate diversity in Mediterranean Europe

F Moreira, D Russo - Landscape ecology, 2007 - Springer
Agricultural land abandonment, widespread in the Mediterranean, is leading to a recovery of
scrubland and forests which are replacing open habitats and increasing wildfire events …

Effects of habitat degradation on the abundance, richness and diversity of raptors across Neotropical biomes

M Carrete, JL Tella, G Blanco, M Bertellotti - Biological Conservation, 2009 - Elsevier
Population growth and human development result in biodiversity loss and biological
homogenization not only in developed countries, but increasingly in the less developed …

Large‐scale habitat selection by agricultural steppe birds in Spain: identifying species–habitat responses using generalized additive models

S Suárez‐Seoane, PE Osborne… - Journal of Applied …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 Predictive models of species' distributions are used increasingly in ecological
studies investigating features as varied as biodiversity, habitat selection and interspecific …

Is land abandonment having an impact on biodiversity? A meta-analytical approach to bird distribution changes in the north-western Mediterranean

C Sirami, L Brotons, I Burfield, J Fonderflick… - Biological …, 2008 - Elsevier
Teasing out how species respond to human-induced environmental changes has become a
priority for addressing the challenges posed by the need to conserve biodiversity. Although …

Crowding in the city: losing and winning competitors of an invasive bird

D Hernández-Brito, M Carrete, AG Popa-Lisseanu… - PloS one, 2014 -
Invasive species can take advantage of resources unexploited by natives (opportunism
hypothesis) or they can exploit the same resources but more aggressively or efficiently …

High levels of habitat loss and fragmentation limit reproductive success by reducing home range size and provisioning rates of Northern saw-whet owls

HL Hinam, CCS Clair - Biological Conservation, 2008 - Elsevier
Studies of the effects of habitat fragmentation have been heavily biased toward population
and community questions, with less attention on the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation …

Factors affecting breeding dispersal in the facultatively colonial lesser kestrel: individual experience vs. conspecific cues

D Serrano, JL Tella, MG Forero… - Journal of Animal …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 The role of individual experience vs. the use of conspecific cues on breeding
dispersal decisions have seldom been determined in colonial birds. We studied causes of …