Geological reconstructions of the East Asian blocks: From the breakup of Rodinia to the assembly of Pangea
Pangea is the youngest supercontinent in Earth's history and its main body formed by
assembly of Gondwana and Laurasia about 300–250 Ma ago. As supported by voluminous …
assembly of Gondwana and Laurasia about 300–250 Ma ago. As supported by voluminous …
Late Paleozoic to early Triassic multiple roll-back and oroclinal bending of the Mongolia collage in Central Asia
The architecture and mechanics of an orogen can be understood in terms of a system of
collages that are characterized by a complex assemblage of multiple components, but the …
collages that are characterized by a complex assemblage of multiple components, but the …
Final amalgamation of the Tianshan and Junggar orogenic collage in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints on the closure of the Paleo-Asian …
Y Han, G Zhao - Earth-Science Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Tianshan and Junggar orogenic collage occupies the southwestern part of the
Central Asian Orogenic Belt and was assembled by collision/accretion of several continental …
Central Asian Orogenic Belt and was assembled by collision/accretion of several continental …
A tale of amalgamation of three Permo-Triassic collage systems in Central Asia: Oroclines, sutures, and terminal accretion
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt records the accretion and convergence of three collage
systems that were finally rotated into two major oroclines. The Mongolia collage system was …
systems that were finally rotated into two major oroclines. The Mongolia collage system was …
Gold mineralization in China: Metallogenic provinces, deposit types and tectonic framework
J Deng, Q Wang - Gondwana Research, 2016 - Elsevier
We present a review of major gold mineralization events in China and a summary of
metallogenic provinces, deposit types, metallogenic epochs and tectonic settings. Over 200 …
metallogenic provinces, deposit types, metallogenic epochs and tectonic settings. Over 200 …
The role of the uplift of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau for the evolution of Tibetan biotas
Biodiversity is unevenly distributed on Earth and hotspots of biodiversity are often
associated with areas that have undergone orogenic activity during recent geological history …
associated with areas that have undergone orogenic activity during recent geological history …
The western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: a window to accretionary orogenesis and continental growth
The architecture of accretionary orogens is a key to understand continental growth. Here we
present an overview of the orogenic components and their amalgamation in the western …
present an overview of the orogenic components and their amalgamation in the western …
Paleozoic multiple accretionary and collisional tectonics of the Chinese Tianshan orogenic collage
Subduction-related accretion in the Junggar–Balkash and South Tianshan Oceans (Paleo-
Asian Ocean), mainly in the Paleozoic, gave rise to the present 2400km-long Tianshan …
Asian Ocean), mainly in the Paleozoic, gave rise to the present 2400km-long Tianshan …
The Altaids of Central Asia: A tectonic and evolutionary innovative review
The Altaids, one of the largest and long-lived accretionary orogens in the world, developed
from ca. 600Ma to 250Ma by the multiple accretions of terranes of different origin, chiefly …
from ca. 600Ma to 250Ma by the multiple accretions of terranes of different origin, chiefly …
Contemporaneous closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the Middle-Late Triassic: A synthesis of new evidence and tectonic implications for the final assembly of …
The closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) is crucial for understanding the late Paleozoic–
early Mesozoic paleogeography of Proto-Asia and the tectonic configuration of NE Pangea …
early Mesozoic paleogeography of Proto-Asia and the tectonic configuration of NE Pangea …