Planarity allowing few error vertices in linear time

K Kawarabayashi - 2009 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on …, 2009 -
We show that for every fixed k, there is a linear time algorithm that decides whether or not a
given graph has a vertex set X of order at most k such that GX is planar (we call this class of …

Profiling-based adaptive contention management for software transactional memory

Z He, X Yu, B Hong - 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and …, 2012 -
In software transactional memory (STM) systems, the contention management (CM) policy
decides what action to take when a conflict occurs. CM is crucial to the performance of STM …

On Adaptive Contention Management Strategies for Software Transactional Memory

X Yu, Z He, B Hong - 2012 IEEE 10th International Symposium …, 2012 -
Software Transaction Memory (STM) is an alternative synchronization method to the
traditional lock-based schemes. In an STM system, the contention manager (CM) decides …

A new concurrency control mechanism for multi-threaded environment using transactional memory

A Ghosh, R Chaki, N Chaki - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2015 - Springer
Software transactional memory (STM) is one of the techniques used towards achieving non-
blocking process synchronization in multi-threaded computing environment. In spite of its …

[KNJIGA][B] On algorithm design and programming model for multi-threaded computing

Z He - 2012 -
The objective of this work is to investigate the algorithm design and the programming model
of multi-threaded computing. With the rapid advancement in multi-/many-core processors …

Otimizaçao do Desempenho em Memórias Transacionais com Aprendizado de Máquina

T Perlin, AR Du Bois - Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da …, 2022 -
Memórias Transacionais reduzem a possibilidade de erros na programação e a ocorrência
de deadlocks durante a execução em sistemas com múltiplas threads, entretanto, o …

On contention management for data accesses in parallel and distributed systems

X Yu - 2015 -
Data access is an essential part of any program, and is especially critical to the performance
of parallel computing systems. The objective of this work is to investigate factors that affect …

A New Contention Management Technique for Obstruction Free Transactional Memory

A Ghosh, A Sahin, A Silsarma, R Chaki - … , CISIM 2014, Ho Chi Minh City …, 2014 - Springer
Transactional Memory, one of the most viable alternatives to lock based concurrent systems,
was explored by the researchers for practically implementing parallel processing. The goal …