Definition and classification of fault damage zones: A review and a new methodological approach

JH Choi, P Edwards, K Ko, YS Kim - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Although the widths of fault damage zones commonly show a positive correlation with
displacements, these relationships also show a somewhat scattered distribution. We believe …

Fault zone hydrogeology

VF Bense, T Gleeson, SE Loveless, O Bour… - Earth-Science …, 2013 - Elsevier
Deformation along faults in the shallow crust (< 1 km) introduces permeability heterogeneity
and anisotropy, which has an important impact on processes such as regional groundwater …

Recent advances in the understanding of fault zone internal structure: a review

CAJ Wibberley, G Yielding, G Di Toro - 2008 -
It is increasingly apparent that faults are typically not discrete planes but zones of deformed
rock with a complex internal structure and three-dimensional geometry. In the last decade …

Tectonics, magmatism and paleo-fluid distribution in a strike-slip setting: Insights from the northern termination of the Liquiñe–Ofqui fault System, Chile

P Pérez-Flores, J Cembrano, P Sánchez-Alfaro… - Tectonophysics, 2016 - Elsevier
This study addresses the interplay between strain/stress fields and paleo-fluid migration in
the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone (SVZ). The SVZ coexists with the margin-parallel …

Discriminating induced seismicity from natural earthquakes using moment tensors and source spectra

H Zhang, DW Eaton, G Li, Y Liu… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Earthquake source mechanisms and spectra can provide important clues to aid in
discriminating between natural and induced events. In this study, we calculate moment …

Effect of porosity and permeability evolution on injection‐induced aseismic slip

Y Yang, EM Dunham - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
It is widely recognized that fluid injection can trigger aseismic fault slip. However, the
processes by which the fluid‐rock interactions facilitate or inhibit slip are poorly understood …

Architecture of strike-slip fault zones in the central Tarim Basin and implications for their control on petroleum systems

Z Wang, Z Gao, T Fan, H Zhang, Y Yuan, D Wei… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2022 - Elsevier
The strike-slip fault zones (SSFZs) of the central Tarim Basin have great potential for
hydrocarbon exploration and development. They can both serve as hydrocarbon migration …

On the distribution of fluids in folds: A review of controlling factors and processes

MA Evans, MP Fischer - Journal of Structural Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Growing macroscale fold structures are one of the most dynamic and complex systems in
geology, where during fold growth pore fluid pressure, fluid temperature, and fluid …

On fluid–rock chemical interaction in CO2-based geothermal systems

T Xu, G Feng, Y Shi - Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2014 - Elsevier
Although fluid–rock chemical interactions are common natural phenomena associated with
ore-forming systems in the crust of the Earth, they may find applications in the utilization of …

Tectonic deformation and fluid flow: implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits

T Cui, J Yang, IM Samson - Economic Geology, 2012 -
Numerical experiments were carried out to investigate the fluid flow in typical Proterozoic
basins that host unconformity-related uranium deposits. We have constructed a simplified …