Definition and classification of fault damage zones: A review and a new methodological approach
Although the widths of fault damage zones commonly show a positive correlation with
displacements, these relationships also show a somewhat scattered distribution. We believe …
displacements, these relationships also show a somewhat scattered distribution. We believe …
Fault zone hydrogeology
Deformation along faults in the shallow crust (< 1 km) introduces permeability heterogeneity
and anisotropy, which has an important impact on processes such as regional groundwater …
and anisotropy, which has an important impact on processes such as regional groundwater …
Recent advances in the understanding of fault zone internal structure: a review
CAJ Wibberley, G Yielding, G Di Toro - 2008 -
It is increasingly apparent that faults are typically not discrete planes but zones of deformed
rock with a complex internal structure and three-dimensional geometry. In the last decade …
rock with a complex internal structure and three-dimensional geometry. In the last decade …
Tectonics, magmatism and paleo-fluid distribution in a strike-slip setting: Insights from the northern termination of the Liquiñe–Ofqui fault System, Chile
This study addresses the interplay between strain/stress fields and paleo-fluid migration in
the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone (SVZ). The SVZ coexists with the margin-parallel …
the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone (SVZ). The SVZ coexists with the margin-parallel …
Discriminating induced seismicity from natural earthquakes using moment tensors and source spectra
Earthquake source mechanisms and spectra can provide important clues to aid in
discriminating between natural and induced events. In this study, we calculate moment …
discriminating between natural and induced events. In this study, we calculate moment …
Effect of porosity and permeability evolution on injection‐induced aseismic slip
It is widely recognized that fluid injection can trigger aseismic fault slip. However, the
processes by which the fluid‐rock interactions facilitate or inhibit slip are poorly understood …
processes by which the fluid‐rock interactions facilitate or inhibit slip are poorly understood …
Architecture of strike-slip fault zones in the central Tarim Basin and implications for their control on petroleum systems
Z Wang, Z Gao, T Fan, H Zhang, Y Yuan, D Wei… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2022 - Elsevier
The strike-slip fault zones (SSFZs) of the central Tarim Basin have great potential for
hydrocarbon exploration and development. They can both serve as hydrocarbon migration …
hydrocarbon exploration and development. They can both serve as hydrocarbon migration …
On the distribution of fluids in folds: A review of controlling factors and processes
Growing macroscale fold structures are one of the most dynamic and complex systems in
geology, where during fold growth pore fluid pressure, fluid temperature, and fluid …
geology, where during fold growth pore fluid pressure, fluid temperature, and fluid …
On fluid–rock chemical interaction in CO2-based geothermal systems
T Xu, G Feng, Y Shi - Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2014 - Elsevier
Although fluid–rock chemical interactions are common natural phenomena associated with
ore-forming systems in the crust of the Earth, they may find applications in the utilization of …
ore-forming systems in the crust of the Earth, they may find applications in the utilization of …
Tectonic deformation and fluid flow: implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits
Numerical experiments were carried out to investigate the fluid flow in typical Proterozoic
basins that host unconformity-related uranium deposits. We have constructed a simplified …
basins that host unconformity-related uranium deposits. We have constructed a simplified …