Resonant magnetic perturbations of edge-plasmas in toroidal confinement devices

TE Evans - Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2015 -
Controlling the boundary layer in fusion-grade, high-performance, plasma discharges is
essential for the successful development of toroidal magnetic confinement power generating …

A full tungsten divertor for ITER: Physics issues and design status

RA Pitts, S Carpentier, F Escourbiac, T Hirai… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2013 - Elsevier
Budget restrictions have forced the ITER Organization to reconsider the baseline divertor
strategy, in which operations would begin with carbon (C) in the high heat flux regions …

Edge-localized-modes in tokamaks

AW Leonard - Physics of Plasmas, 2014 -
Edge-localized-modes (ELMs) are a ubiquitous feature of H-mode in tokamaks. When
gradients in the H-mode transport barrier grow to exceed the MHD stability limit the ELM …

Progress on the application of ELM control schemes to ITER scenarios from the non-active phase to DT operation

A Loarte, G Huijsmans, S Futatani, LR Baylor… - Nuclear …, 2014 -
Progress in the definition of the requirements for edge localized mode (ELM) control and the
application of ELM control methods both for high fusion performance DT operation and non …

Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution a

H Meyer, T Eich, M Beurskens, S Coda, A Hakola… - Nuclear …, 2017 -
Integrating the plasma core performance with an edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) that leads
to tolerable heat and particle loads on the wall is a major challenge. The new European …

Physics basis and design of the ITER plasma-facing components

RA Pitts, S Carpentier, F Escourbiac, T Hirai… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2011 - Elsevier
In ITER, as in any tokamak, the first wall and divertor plasma-facing components (PFC) must
provide adequate protection of in-vessel structures, sufficient heat exhaust capability and be …

Surface heat loads on the ITER divertor vertical targets

JP Gunn, S Carpentier-Chouchana, F Escourbiac… - Nuclear …, 2017 -
The heating of tungsten monoblocks at the ITER divertor vertical targets is calculated using
the heat flux predicted by three-dimensional ion orbit modelling. The monoblocks are …

ELM control strategies and tools: status and potential for ITER

PT Lang, A Loarte, G Saibene, LR Baylor… - Nuclear …, 2013 -
Operating ITER in the reference inductive scenario at the design values of I p= 15 MA and Q
DT= 10 requires the achievement of good H-mode confinement that relies on the presence …

Overview of the results from divertor experiments with attached and detached plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady-state operation

M Jakubowski, M Endler, Y Feng, Y Gao, C Killer… - Nuclear …, 2021 -
Abstract Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), the largest advanced stellarator, is built to demonstrate
high power, high performance quasi-continuous operation. Therefore, in the recent …

Observation of Lobes near the Point in Resonant Magnetic <?format ?>Perturbation Experiments on MAST

A Kirk, J Harrison, Y Liu, E Nardon, IT Chapman… - Physical review …, 2012 - APS
The application of nonaxisymmetric resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) with a toroidal
mode number n= 6 in the MAST tokamak produces a significant reduction in plasma energy …