Shortcuts to adiabaticity: Concepts, methods, and applications
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) are fast routes to the final results of slow, adiabatic changes
of the controlling parameters of a system. The shortcuts are designed by a set of analytical …
of the controlling parameters of a system. The shortcuts are designed by a set of analytical …
Quantum thermal machines and batteries
The seminal work by Sadi Carnot in the early nineteenth century provided the blueprint of a
reversible heat engine and the celebrated second law of thermodynamics eventually …
reversible heat engine and the celebrated second law of thermodynamics eventually …
The quantum harmonic Otto cycle
The quantum Otto cycle serves as a bridge between the macroscopic world of heat engines
and the quantum regime of thermal devices composed from a single element. We compile …
and the quantum regime of thermal devices composed from a single element. We compile …
Shortcuts to adiabaticity
Quantum adiabatic processes—that keep constant the populations in the instantaneous
eigenbasis of a time-dependent Hamiltonian—are very useful to prepare and manipulate …
eigenbasis of a time-dependent Hamiltonian—are very useful to prepare and manipulate …
Optimally robust shortcuts to population inversion in two-level quantum systems
We examine the stability versus different types of perturbations of recently proposed
shortcuts to adiabaticity to speed up the population inversion of a two-level quantum system …
shortcuts to adiabaticity to speed up the population inversion of a two-level quantum system …
Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants and transitionless quantum driving
Different methods have been recently put forward and implemented experimentally to
inverse engineer the time-dependent Hamiltonian of a quantum system and accelerate slow …
inverse engineer the time-dependent Hamiltonian of a quantum system and accelerate slow …
Engineering of fast population transfer in three-level systems
We design, by invariant-based inverse engineering, resonant laser pulses to perform fast
population transfers in three-level systems. The laser intensities to improve the fidelity or to …
population transfers in three-level systems. The laser intensities to improve the fidelity or to …
Superadiabatic population transfer in a three-level superconducting circuit
Adiabatic manipulation of the quantum state is an essential tool in modern quantum
information processing. Here, we demonstrate the speedup of the adiabatic population …
information processing. Here, we demonstrate the speedup of the adiabatic population …
Quantum speed limits across the quantum-to-classical transition
Quantum speed limits set an upper bound to the rate at which a quantum system can evolve.
Adopting a phase-space approach, we explore quantum speed limits across the quantum-to …
Adopting a phase-space approach, we explore quantum speed limits across the quantum-to …
Fast atomic transport without vibrational heating
We use the dynamical invariants associated with the Hamiltonian of an atom in a one
dimensional moving trap to inverse engineer the trap motion and perform fast atomic …
dimensional moving trap to inverse engineer the trap motion and perform fast atomic …