Benefits and uncertainties of performance‐based contracting in manufacturing industries: An agency theory perspective
Purpose–In view of a lack of understanding of the consequences of performance‐based
contracting (PBC), this paper aims to reveal deeper insights into the mechanisms inherent to …
contracting (PBC), this paper aims to reveal deeper insights into the mechanisms inherent to …
Clarifying the concept of performance‐based contracting in manufacturing industries: A research synthesis
Purpose–Although performance‐based contracting (PBC) is gaining importance in
manufacturing industries, corresponding research is still in its infancy. In order to provide a …
manufacturing industries, corresponding research is still in its infancy. In order to provide a …
Integrated solutions from a service-centered perspective: Applicability and limitations in the capital goods industry
Although advanced services, or so called integrated solutions, have increasingly received
attention in the literature, no coherent body of literature exists, and the relational dimensions …
attention in the literature, no coherent body of literature exists, and the relational dimensions …
Service-based business concepts: A typology for business-to-business markets
G Lay, M Schroeter, S Biege - European Management Journal, 2009 - Elsevier
Manufacturing industries are increasingly applying alternative business concepts,
transforming traditional buyer–supplier relationships into new exchange models of …
transforming traditional buyer–supplier relationships into new exchange models of …
Develo** the concept of life-cycle service offering
To extend the previous literature on industrial services, this study develops the concept of
the life-cycle service offering by reviewing previous studies and collecting empirical data …
the life-cycle service offering by reviewing previous studies and collecting empirical data …
Cost modelling techniques for availability type service support contracts: A literature review and empirical study
The traditional distinction between manufacturing and services, both in relation to products
and indeed, the actual companies themselves, is getting blurred. Increasingly services are …
and indeed, the actual companies themselves, is getting blurred. Increasingly services are …
Operations strategy for the effective delivery of integrated industrial product‐service offerings: two exploratory defence industry case studies
Purpose–As enterprises focus on offering integrated product/service bundles, performance‐
based contracts become ever so important in ensuring effective delivery. Performance …
based contracts become ever so important in ensuring effective delivery. Performance …
Competitive priorities and competitive advantage in Jordanian manufacturing
As organizations are forced to respond efficiently and effectively to a changing business
environment. One of the biggest challenges which they face is gaining and develo** …
environment. One of the biggest challenges which they face is gaining and develo** …
Matches and gaps in the green logistics market
U Martinsen, M Björklund - … Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics …, 2012 - emerald.com
Purpose–The interface between logistics service providers (LSPs) and shippers is an area
that has received little attention in previous research and even less has been done when …
that has received little attention in previous research and even less has been done when …
Design innovation and marketing strategy in successful product competition
Y Hsu - Journal of business & industrial marketing, 2011 - emerald.com
Purpose–Taiwanese computer and electronic products possess advantages in design,
innovation, rapid response, and global market flexibility. This study aims to examine …
innovation, rapid response, and global market flexibility. This study aims to examine …