Scientific and subversive: The two faces of the fourth era of political campaigning
A Roemmele, R Gibson - New Media & Society, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This article sets out the case that democracies are now entering a fourth phase of “data-
driven” political campaigning. Building on the existing campaigns literature, we identify …
driven” political campaigning. Building on the existing campaigns literature, we identify …
[หนังสือ][B] The political integration of ethnic minorities in Britain
Britain has become increasingly diverse over the last fifty years and she has been fortunate
to attract relatively highly educated immigrants with democratic values and positive …
to attract relatively highly educated immigrants with democratic values and positive …
[หนังสือ][B] Personalization of politics and electoral change
D Garzia - 2019 - books.google.com
Using an innovative framework for the study of voting behavior in parliamentary
democracies, this book sheds new light on the ongoing personalization of politics. The …
democracies, this book sheds new light on the ongoing personalization of politics. The …
[PDF][PDF] Cleavages, protest or voting for hope? The rise of centrist populist parties in the Czech Republic
Over the past two decades, populist parties have become a well-established part of many
European party systems. Their rise has provoked extensive scholarly discussion aiming both …
European party systems. Their rise has provoked extensive scholarly discussion aiming both …
[หนังสือ][B] Affluence, austerity and electoral change in Britain
P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart - 2013 - books.google.com
Affluence, Austerity and Electoral Change in Britain investigates the political economy of
party support for British political parties since Tony Blair led New Labour to power in 1997 …
party support for British political parties since Tony Blair led New Labour to power in 1997 …
Geographic representation in party‐dominated legislatures: A quantitative text analysis of parliamentary questions in the German Bundestag
Political representation in European democracies is widely considered partisan and
collectivist. This article, however, stresses that there is more to the representative process in …
collectivist. This article, however, stresses that there is more to the representative process in …
The compleat economic voter: New theory and British evidence
Almost all the prolific work done on economic voting has been based on the classic reward–
punishment model, which treats the economy as a valence issue. The economy is a valence …
punishment model, which treats the economy as a valence issue. The economy is a valence …
The European lavender vote: Sexuality, ideology and vote choice in Western Europe
SJ Turnbull‐Dugarte - European Journal of Political Research, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In many European democracies, political punditry has highlighted the attempts of political
parties on the left to court the 'lavender vote'of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals. This …
parties on the left to court the 'lavender vote'of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals. This …
[หนังสือ][B] The political class: Why it matters who our politicians are
P Allen - 2018 - books.google.com
Recent years have seen an intensification of discussion on the issue of Britain's political
class. The question of who our politicians are is front and centre. Do they represent us? Are …
class. The question of who our politicians are is front and centre. Do they represent us? Are …
[หนังสือ][B] Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis
W Grant, GK Wilson - 2012 - library.oapen.org
The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) is the most serious economic crisis since the Great
Depression. Many books have explored its causes, but this book systematically explores its …
Depression. Many books have explored its causes, but this book systematically explores its …