Modeling thermal radiation in combustion environments: progress and challenges
Modeling thermal radiation in combustion environments can be extremely challenging for
two main reasons. First, the radiative transfer equation (RTE), which is the cornerstone of …
two main reasons. First, the radiative transfer equation (RTE), which is the cornerstone of …
The importance of accurately modelling soot and radiation coupling in laminar and laboratory-scale turbulent diffusion flames
Ultrafine and highly light absorbing soot particles have been known to be harmful to human
health and a major climate forcer. Understanding the mechanisms of soot formation and …
health and a major climate forcer. Understanding the mechanisms of soot formation and …
The impact of radiative heat transfer in combustion processes and its modeling–with a focus on turbulent flames
Radiative heat transfer (RHT) is often the dominant mode of heat transfer in flames, fires,
and combustion systems and affects significantly temperature distributions directly and …
and combustion systems and affects significantly temperature distributions directly and …
Local contributions of resolved and subgrid turbulence-radiation interaction in LES/presumed FDF modelling of large-scale methanol pool fires
The present study aims to quantify individual contributions to turbulence-radiation interaction
(TRI) in LES of large methanol pool fires with diameters ranging from 1m to 4m. These …
(TRI) in LES of large methanol pool fires with diameters ranging from 1m to 4m. These …
Petroleum wellhead burning: A review of the basic science for burn efficiency prediction
While wellhead burning has been a hazard for generations, the development of reliable,
safe cap** practices suggests that wellhead burning can be used as an oil spill mitigation …
safe cap** practices suggests that wellhead burning can be used as an oil spill mitigation …
A New simplified calculation model of geometric thermal features of a vertical propane jet fire based on experimental and computational studies
Jet fires and their consequences are one of the significant factors responsible for
catastrophic events in industrial process units. In this research, various types of turbulence …
catastrophic events in industrial process units. In this research, various types of turbulence …
Thermal radiation and soot in buoyant turbulent diffusion flames under different oxygen concentrations: Measurements and implications to radiation modeling
To develop and validate numerical models for sooty fires, we have established a dataset of
the thermal radiation and soot in 15 kW buoyant turbulent ethylene flames. The flames are …
the thermal radiation and soot in 15 kW buoyant turbulent ethylene flames. The flames are …
Analysis of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooting jet flame using a Monte Carlo method coupled to large eddy simulation
Due to the relevant contribution of radiative transfer in the global energy balance of many
industrial combustion systems, a deep understanding and accurate modelling of gas and …
industrial combustion systems, a deep understanding and accurate modelling of gas and …
On the modeling of the filtered radiative transfer equation in large eddy simulations of lab-scale sooting turbulent diffusion flames
This study investigates the influence of some approximations on the modeling of the filtered
absorption and emission terms in an ethylene/air turbulent jet flame. Filtered radiative …
absorption and emission terms in an ethylene/air turbulent jet flame. Filtered radiative …
Flamelet/transported PDF simulations of ethylene/air jet turbulent non-premixed flame using a three-equation PAH-based soot production model
This article reports flamelet/transported PDF (TPDF) simulations of the well-documented
ethylene/air turbulent non-premixed jet flame investigated experimentally at Sandia. The …
ethylene/air turbulent non-premixed jet flame investigated experimentally at Sandia. The …