[KNJIGA][B] The problem of value pluralism: Isaiah Berlin and beyond

G Crowder - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Value pluralism is the idea, most prominently endorsed by Isaiah Berlin, that fundamental
human values are universal, plural, conflicting, and incommensurable with one another …

Second-order political thinking: Compromise versus populism

CF Rostbøll - Political studies, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The literature often mentions that populism is in conflict with the politics of compromise.
However, the opposition remains vague and undertheorized. This article confronts populism …

Compromise and Consensus: Toward a Two-Track Model of Deliberation

P Bech-Pedersen, C Carl - Political Studies, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, we discuss the relationship between deliberative democracy, compromise,
and consensus. According to one view, deliberation should aim exclusively at compromise …

[PDF][PDF] Against compromise in democracy? A plea for a fine‐grained assessment.

S Baume, Y Papadopoulos - … : An International Journal of Critical & …, 2022 - serval.unil.ch
Disdain for compromise between political forces within democratic regimes is widespread1
and, as we will show, polymorphic. This paper provides a systematic map** of objections2 …

Compromise and majority rule: How their dynamic affects democracy

P Overeem - Compromises in democracy, 2020 - Springer
Majority rule and compromise are both core elements of democratic politics: democracy
would mean little without the majoritarian principle and compromise is required in pluralistic …

[PDF][PDF] Moraal en Macht: Integriteit en kwaliteit van besturen in theorie en praktijk

LWJC Huberts - Rede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van het afscheid …, 2019 - research.vu.nl
Wat doe je dan als vertrekkend hoogleraar, hoe vul je zo'n boekje en je afscheidsrede in?
Ze zijn er in vele verschillende vormen. Terugkijken wil je, daarop reflecteren, vooruitkijken …

[KNJIGA][B] Compromises in democracy

S Baume, S Novak - 2020 - Springer
Our book intends to focus on the specific link between compromise and democracy. If
political compromises have played a significant role in our representative democracies, the …

Compromise between realism and moralism: Towards an integrated theoretical framework

P Overeem - Critical Review of International Social and Political …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Recent political theory has seen a wave of interest in the topic of compromise. Its
conceptualizations tend to be unstable, however, resulting in varying and shifting …

[PDF][PDF] 道徳的妥協の**当化: 予備的考察

佐野亘 - 關西大學法學論集, 2020 - kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp
本稿の目的は, 妥協とりわけ道徳的妥協 (moral compromise) の**当性について,
これまでなされてきた議論を整理したうえで, 予備的な考察をくわえることである. **年 …

[PDF][PDF] Compromises in Democracy

B Sandrine, S Novak - 2020 - iris.unive.it
Our book intends to focus on the specific link between compromise and democracy. If
political compromises have played a significant role in our representative democracies, the …