Quantum science with optical tweezer arrays of ultracold atoms and molecules

AM Kaufman, KK Ni - Nature Physics, 2021 - nature.com
Single atoms and molecules can be trapped in tightly focused beams of light that form
'optical tweezers', affording exquisite capabilities for the control and detection of individual …

Optical microfiber or nanofiber: a miniature fiber-optic platform for nanophotonics

J Zhang, H Fang, P Wang, W Fang, L Zhang… - Photonics …, 2024 - spiedigitallibrary.org
An optical micro/nanofiber (MNF) is a quasi-one-dimensional free-standing optical
waveguide with a diameter close to or less than the vacuum wavelength of light. Combining …

An integrated atom array-nanophotonic chip platform with background-free imaging

SG Menon, N Glachman, M Pompili, A Dibos… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Arrays of neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers have emerged as a leading platform for
quantum information processing and quantum simulation due to their scalability …

Coupling a single trapped atom to a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator

E Will, L Masters, A Rauschenbeutel, M Scheucher… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
We demonstrate trap** of a single Rb 85 atom at a distance of about 200 nm from the
surface of a whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonator. The atom is trapped in an …

Optical fiber tweezers: From fabrication to applications

Y Zhang, J Liu, F Hu, Z Wang, Z Liu, Y Qin… - Optics & Laser …, 2024 - Elsevier
Optical tweezers have been widely used for optical trap** and manipulating particles at
the microscopic scale with a tightly focused laser beam. Over the recent years, optical fiber …

Phase-engineered photon correlations in weakly coupled nanofiber cavity QED

Z Wu, J Li, Y Wu - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
A recent experiment [HS Han, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 073604 (2021) 0031-9007
10.1103/PhysRevLett. 127.073604; see also accompanying online supplemental material] …

[HTML][HTML] Wading through the void: Exploring quantum friction and nonequilibrium fluctuations

D Reiche, F Intravaia, K Busch - APL Photonics, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
When two or more objects move relative to one another in vacuum, they experience a drag
force, which, at zero temperature, usually goes under the name of quantum friction. This …

Strong dipole-dipole interactions via enhanced light-matter coupling in composite nanofiber waveguides

K Jain, L Ruks, F le Kien, T Busch - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
We study the interaction of emitters with a composite waveguide formed from two parallel
optical nanofibers in regimes of experimental importance for atomic gases or solid-state …

Scalable Networking of Neutral-Atom Qubits: Nanofiber-Based Approach for Multiprocessor Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers

S Sunami, S Tamiya, R Inoue, H Yamasaki, A Goban - PRX Quantum, 2025 - APS
Neutral atoms are among the leading platforms toward realizing fault-tolerant quantum
computation (FTQC). However, scaling up a single neutral-atom device beyond 10 4 atoms …

Coupling single atoms to a nanophotonic whispering-gallery-mode resonator via optical guiding

X Zhou, H Tamura, TH Chang, CL Hung - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
We demonstrate an efficient optical guiding technique for coupling cold atoms in the near
field of a planar nanophotonic circuit, and realize large atom-photon coupling to a …