Large-scale heat pumps for district heating systems in the Baltics: Potential and impact
A Volkova, H Koduvere, H Pieper - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2022 - Elsevier
The current state of power-to-heat integration into the heat supply in the Baltics is examined.
In the socio-economic analysis, three scenarios for prospective district heating electrification …
In the socio-economic analysis, three scenarios for prospective district heating electrification …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of energy communities on the European electricity and heating system decarbonization pathway: Comparing local and global flexibility responses
This paper investigates how the European electricity and heating system is impacted when
medium-scale energy communities (ECs) are developed widely across Europe. We study …
medium-scale energy communities (ECs) are developed widely across Europe. We study …
Climate-friendly but socially rejected energy-transition pathways: The integration of techno-economic and socio-technical approaches in the Nordic-Baltic region
A framework to account for social acceptance in the modelling of energy-transition pathways
is outlined. The geographical focus is on the Nordic-Baltic energy region and the …
is outlined. The geographical focus is on the Nordic-Baltic energy region and the …
[HTML][HTML] An Analysis of the Use of Energy from Conventional Fossil Fuels and Green Renewable Energy in the Context of the European Union's Planned Energy …
Over the past few years, considerable emphasis has been put on decarbonization, which, in
the context of the recent events in Europe, proves that mixing energy sources is the best …
the context of the recent events in Europe, proves that mixing energy sources is the best …
[HTML][HTML] Flexibility index and decreasing the costs in energy systems with high share of renewable energy
Abstract Recent European Green Deal includes decision to become carbon neutral and
even carbon negative region in order to tackle the climate crisis. Main technical challenge …
even carbon negative region in order to tackle the climate crisis. Main technical challenge …
[HTML][HTML] Civic engagement and energy transition in the Nordic-Baltic Sea Region: Parametric and nonparametric inquiries
The role of civic participation in issues directly or indirectly related to environmental quality is
reputed to be on the rise globally. Bottom-up grassroots movements can be conducive to …
reputed to be on the rise globally. Bottom-up grassroots movements can be conducive to …
Deep decarbonization of urban energy systems through renewable energy and sector-coupling flexibility strategies
This paper presents deep decarbonization strategies for city-level energy systems. Helsinki
city is used as a case in the analysis. The strategies are mainly based on extensive …
city is used as a case in the analysis. The strategies are mainly based on extensive …
Social acceptance of renewable energies: a meta-analytic review of 40 years of related literature
D Rojas-Peña, C Quintana-Rojo, MA Tarancón… - Environment …, 2024 - Springer
The social acceptance of renewable energies is crucial for the success of the energy
transition process and the fight against climate change. The concept was first mentioned in …
transition process and the fight against climate change. The concept was first mentioned in …
[HTML][HTML] Heat and electric vehicle flexibility in the European power system: A case study of Norwegian energy communities
This paper investigates sector coupling between the central power system and local energy
communities, including heat supply for buildings and charging of electric vehicles. We …
communities, including heat supply for buildings and charging of electric vehicles. We …
[HTML][HTML] Coupling of the electricity and district heat generation sectors with building stock energy retrofits as a measure to reduce carbon emissions
I Jokinen, A Lund, J Hirvonen, J Jokisalo… - Energy Conversion and …, 2022 - Elsevier
This study examined how the carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced in an energy system
with coupling of the electricity and district heat generations, while considering different paths …
with coupling of the electricity and district heat generations, while considering different paths …