Climate change can alter conditions that sustain food production and availability, with
cascading consequences for food security and global economies. Here, we evaluate the …
cascading consequences for food security and global economies. Here, we evaluate the …
[HTML][HTML] Ciudades sobrecargadas: la sobreexplotación de recursos como limitante del desarrollo sustentable
OR Medrano Pérez - Antipoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 2020 -
El propósito de este artículo es proporcionar bases para la comprensión de la expansión
urbana, ante un escenario de sobreexplotación de recursos, y sus implicaciones, con el fin …
urbana, ante un escenario de sobreexplotación de recursos, y sus implicaciones, con el fin …
Gender-responsive alternatives on climate change from a feminist standpoint
This chapter provides an overview of existing research on gender, climate change and
related crises to contextualise the impetus for the collaborative research with ActionAid. It …
related crises to contextualise the impetus for the collaborative research with ActionAid. It …
Le tourisme réflexif en montagne à l'heure de l'Anthropocène: discussion autour du projet de réhabilitation du Montenvers, Chamonix
E Salim, C Girault, K Nesur - Mondes du tourisme, 2023 -
L'entrée dans l'Anthropocène, défini comme l'ère dans laquelle les activités humaines
deviennent des forces à même d'influencer le climat et l'environnement à l'échelle …
deviennent des forces à même d'influencer le climat et l'environnement à l'échelle …
Staring at the sun during wildfire season: knowledge, uncertainty, and front-line resistance in disaster preparation
A Cordner - Qualitative sociology, 2021 - Springer
As climate change increases the frequency and severity of disasters, and population and
social changes raise the public's vulnerability to disaster events, societies face additional …
social changes raise the public's vulnerability to disaster events, societies face additional …
[KNJIGA][B] Christianity in a time of climate change: To give a future with hope
K Poole - 2020 -
What does climate change have to do with religion and spirituality? Even though a changing
environment will have a dire impact on human populations—affecting everything from food …
environment will have a dire impact on human populations—affecting everything from food …
[PDF][PDF] Characterizing the Hydrologic Response of a Mountainous Basin: A Case Study of Marsyangdi River Basin
Understanding the hydro-climatic conditions and rainfall-runoff behavior in a data-scarce
mountainous river basin has been a challenging issue for hydrologists and planners. In this …
mountainous river basin has been a challenging issue for hydrologists and planners. In this …
The Thirty Years' Climate Warming: Climate Change, Security, and the Responsibility to Prepare
CE Werrell, F Femia - Whitehead J. Dipl. & Int'l Rel., 2018 - HeinOnline
T he end of the Cold War coincided with the beginning of global awareness about the risks
of climate change. This paper analyzes a thirty-year period beginning with the establishment …
of climate change. This paper analyzes a thirty-year period beginning with the establishment …
[KNJIGA][B] Elucidating Novel Factors in the Plant Guard Cell CO2 Signaling Pathway: A Complementary Forward Genetic Screen in Arabidopsis thaliana
KJ Swink - 2021 -
Climate change mitigation is at the forefront of global discussion, thus the study of plant
responses to atmospheric CO 2 is of great ecophysiological importance. Stomata, the pores …
responses to atmospheric CO 2 is of great ecophysiological importance. Stomata, the pores …
[PDF][PDF] Revisión y comparación de dos índices de evaluación para Bogotá en el marco de ciudades sostenibles
SC Moncada -
En la actualidad, las ciudades enfrentan múltiples problemáticas derivadas de la gran
cantidad de personas que emigran en busca de nuevas oportunidades y una mejor calidad …
cantidad de personas que emigran en busca de nuevas oportunidades y una mejor calidad …