Immersion in digital games: review of gaming experience research
This chapter focuses on the idea of immersion in games as it has consistently proved itself to
be an important component of the experience players seek from games. It reviews the work …
be an important component of the experience players seek from games. It reviews the work …
Systematic review and validation of the game experience questionnaire (geq)-implications for citation and reporting practice
Despite lacking a formal peer-reviewed publication, the Game Experience Questionnaire
(GEQ) is widely applied in games research, which might risk the proliferation of erroneous …
(GEQ) is widely applied in games research, which might risk the proliferation of erroneous …
Gameful Experience Questionnaire (GAMEFULQUEST): an instrument for measuring the perceived gamefulness of system use
In this paper, we present the development and validation of an instrument for measuring
users' gameful experience while using a service. Either intentionally or unintentionally …
users' gameful experience while using a service. Either intentionally or unintentionally …
Product-service systems evolution in the era of Industry 4.0
Recent economic transformations have forced companies to redefine their value
propositions, increasing traditional product offerings with supplementary services—the so …
propositions, increasing traditional product offerings with supplementary services—the so …
MEEGA+, systematic model to evaluate educational games
There are multiple ways in which some or all of the research at the intersection of machine
learning and computer games can be surveyed. One can survey the applications of one …
learning and computer games can be surveyed. One can survey the applications of one …
The lens of intrinsic skill atoms: A method for gameful design
S Deterding - Human–Computer Interaction, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The idea that game design can inspire the design of motivating, enjoyable interactive
systems has a long history in human-computer interaction. It currently experiences a …
systems has a long history in human-computer interaction. It currently experiences a …
Validation of two game experience scales: the player experience of need satisfaction (PENS) and game experience questionnaire (GEQ)
Accurate measurement of the player experience in videogames is key to understanding the
impacts of videogame play, designing and develo** engaging videogames, and …
impacts of videogame play, designing and develo** engaging videogames, and …
[LIBRO][B] Digital games and learning: Research and theory
N Whitton - 2014 -
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of digital games to enhance
teaching and learning at all educational levels, from early years through to lifelong learning …
teaching and learning at all educational levels, from early years through to lifelong learning …
How games for computing education are evaluated? A systematic literature review
Educational games are assumed to be an effective and efficient instructional strategy for
computing education. However, it is essential to systematically evaluate such games in …
computing education. However, it is essential to systematically evaluate such games in …
[HTML][HTML] Creating brand engagement through in-store gamified customer experiences
The purpose of this study is to understand how gamification contributes to customers' value
creation in a retail context and how this value creation relates to brand engagement. The …
creation in a retail context and how this value creation relates to brand engagement. The …