Seamless video access for mobile devices by content-aware utility-based adaptation
Today's Internet multimedia services are characterized by heterogeneous networks, a wide
range of terminals, diverse user preferences, and varying natural environment conditions …
range of terminals, diverse user preferences, and varying natural environment conditions …
[PDF][PDF] A unified data model and system support for the context-aware access to multimedia content.
Context-aware consumption of content implies that platforms mediating the access to
content must be able to do that independently of the user location, type of terminal, network …
content must be able to do that independently of the user location, type of terminal, network …
Intelligent multimedia engines for multimedia content adaptation
Current end user devices are not able to display all kind of multimedia data. However, this
does not conform to the vision of universal multimedia access (UMA). Server side resource …
does not conform to the vision of universal multimedia access (UMA). Server side resource …
Universal multimedia access and network coding—Working together for best user multimedia experience
Universal Multimedia Access and Network Coding - Working Together for Best User
Multimedia Experience Page 1 25th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2017 Serbia …
Multimedia Experience Page 1 25th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2017 Serbia …
[PDF][PDF] Video Adaptation Concept for Universal Access
The phenomenal rise in the multimedia content available to an increasing number of users,
who intend to consume it at different locations with different presentation preferences, using …
who intend to consume it at different locations with different presentation preferences, using …
MPEG21 DI Browser: an MPEG-21 based architecture for the consumption of digital items
G Ciobanu - 2006 - search.proquest.com
MPEG-21 is an emerging standard that aims to define a normative open framework for
multimedia delivery and consumption. Content creators, producers, distributors and service …
multimedia delivery and consumption. Content creators, producers, distributors and service …
[PDF][PDF] A unified data model and system support for the context-aware access to multimedia content
HF Castro, PM Carvalho, MT Andrade, C Alberti… - 2007 - repositorio.inesctec.pt
Context-aware consumption of content implies that platforms mediating the access to
content must be able to do that independently of the user location, type of terminal, network …
content must be able to do that independently of the user location, type of terminal, network …
Nowadays, many types of digital content exist and even more ways in which the content can
be consumed. Together with these new ways to express digital content came new business …
be consumed. Together with these new ways to express digital content came new business …
[PDF][PDF] MPEG-21 инструменти за адаптиране на цифровите сегменти
Г Михайлов - conf.uni-ruse.bg
MPEG-21 tools for Digital Items Adaptation: Nowadays, many types of digital content exist
and even more ways in which the content can be consumed. Together with these new ways …
and even more ways in which the content can be consumed. Together with these new ways …
Architectural support for ubiquitous access to multimedia content
MTMSP Andrade - 2007 - repositorio-aberto.up.pt
Architectural support for ubiquitous access to multimedia content Page 1 Architectural Support
for ubiquitous access to multimedia content by Maria Teresa Pinto de Andrade A Dissertation …
for ubiquitous access to multimedia content by Maria Teresa Pinto de Andrade A Dissertation …