Microcavity exciton polaritons at room temperature
The quest for realizing novel fundamental physical effects and practical applications in
ambient conditions has led to tremendous interest in microcavity exciton polaritons working …
ambient conditions has led to tremendous interest in microcavity exciton polaritons working …
All-optical switching based on interacting exciton polaritons in self-assembled perovskite microwires
Ultrafast all-optical switches and integrated circuits call for giant optical nonlinearity to
minimize energy consumption and footprint. Exciton polaritons underpin intrinsic strong …
minimize energy consumption and footprint. Exciton polaritons underpin intrinsic strong …
Microscopic theory of polariton-polariton interactions
We develop a comprehensive theoretical model for the interaction strength between a pair of
exciton polaritons in microcavity devices. Ab initio numerical calculations for dipolar …
exciton polaritons in microcavity devices. Ab initio numerical calculations for dipolar …
Nonlinear parametric scattering of exciton polaritons in perovskite microcavities
Comparing with pure photons, higher nonlinearity in polariton systems has been exploited in
various proof-of-principle demonstrations of efficient optical devices based on the parametric …
various proof-of-principle demonstrations of efficient optical devices based on the parametric …
Trapped exciton–polariton condensate by spatial confinement in a perovskite microcavity
Lead halide perovskites exhibit good performance in room-temperature exciton–polariton
lasers and efficient flow of polariton condensates. Sha** and directing polariton …
lasers and efficient flow of polariton condensates. Sha** and directing polariton …
Perovskite polariton parametric oscillator
Optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) have been widely applied in spectroscopy, squeezed
light, and correlated photons, as well as quantum information. Conventional OPOs usually …
light, and correlated photons, as well as quantum information. Conventional OPOs usually …
Triggered single-photon emitters based on stimulated parametric scattering in weakly nonlinear systems
We introduce a scheme of single-photon emission based on four-wave mixing in a three
mode system with weak Kerr-type nonlinearity. A highly populated lower energy mode …
mode system with weak Kerr-type nonlinearity. A highly populated lower energy mode …