Algorithms in nature: the convergence of systems biology and computational thinking
Computer science and biology have enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship for decades.
Biologists rely on computational methods to analyze and integrate large data sets, while …
Biologists rely on computational methods to analyze and integrate large data sets, while …
[PDF][PDF] MotherDuck: DuckDB in the cloud and in the client.
We describe and demo MotherDuck: a new service that connects DuckDB to the cloud.
MotherDuck provides the concept of hybrid query processing: the ability to execute queries …
MotherDuck provides the concept of hybrid query processing: the ability to execute queries …
Reaching the edge of the edge: Image analysis in space
Satellites have become more widely available due to the reduction in size and cost of their
components. As a result, there has been an advent of smaller organizations having the …
components. As a result, there has been an advent of smaller organizations having the …
Testing of transactional services in NoSQL key-value databases
Transactional services guarantee the consistency of shared data during the concurrent
execution of multiple applications. They have been used in various domains ranging from …
execution of multiple applications. They have been used in various domains ranging from …
The ubiquitous DBMS
Advancement in mobile computing technologies has prompted strong needs for database
systems that can be used in small devices such as sensors, cellular phones, PDAs, car …
systems that can be used in small devices such as sensors, cellular phones, PDAs, car …
A survey of mobile database security threats and solutions for it
P Ghorbanzadeh, A Shaddeli… - the 3rd International …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article show different mobile database security threats that may be occurs for mobile
database in the real world and gives possible solution to eliminate them. Mobile database is …
database in the real world and gives possible solution to eliminate them. Mobile database is …
On the design and analysis of protocols for personal health record storage on personal data server devices
Abstract The electronic Personal Health Records (PHRs) such as medical history, lab
reports, and insurance are stored in systems such as Microsoft Health Vault where a medical …
reports, and insurance are stored in systems such as Microsoft Health Vault where a medical …
A system framework for map air update navigation service
K Min, K An, I Jang, S ** - ETRI Journal, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The quality of navigation service is determined by the accuracy of the available data. For
existing navigation services, a full map update is provided in order to keep the map data of …
existing navigation services, a full map update is provided in order to keep the map data of …
SDN assisted middlebox synchronization mechanism for next generation mobile data management system
The middle box synchronization server maintains a dynamically changing data, which
contains the data items which were requested and collected by the mobile devices from the …
contains the data items which were requested and collected by the mobile devices from the …
The mobile spatial DBMS for the partial map air update in the navigation
KW Min, KH An, JW Kim, SI ** - 2008 11th International IEEE …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The service handling the map data in the mobile device including navigation, LBS,
Telematics, and etc., becomes various. The size of map data which is stored and managed …
Telematics, and etc., becomes various. The size of map data which is stored and managed …