Perceiving distance in virtual reality: theoretical insights from contemporary technologies
Decades of research have shown that absolute egocentric distance is underestimated in
virtual environments (VEs) when compared with the real world. This finding has implications …
virtual environments (VEs) when compared with the real world. This finding has implications …
Visual neuropsychology in development: Anatomo-functional brain mechanisms of action/perception binding in health and disease
S Ionta - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021 -
Vision is the main entrance for environmental input to the human brain. Even if vision is our
most used sensory modality, its importance is not limited to environmental exploration …
most used sensory modality, its importance is not limited to environmental exploration …
Proprioceptive accuracy in Immersive Virtual Reality: A developmental perspective
Proprioceptive development relies on a variety of sensory inputs, among which vision is
hugely dominant. Focusing on the developmental trajectory underpinning the integration of …
hugely dominant. Focusing on the developmental trajectory underpinning the integration of …
The impact of embodiment and avatar sizing on personal space in immersive virtual environments
In this paper, we examine how embodiment and manipulation of a self-avatar's dimensions—
specifically the arm length—affect users' judgments of the personal space around them in an …
specifically the arm length—affect users' judgments of the personal space around them in an …
Immersive virtual reality interferes with default head–trunk coordination strategies in young children
The acquisition of postural control is an elaborate process, which relies on the balanced
integration of multisensory inputs. Current models suggest that young children rely on an 'en …
integration of multisensory inputs. Current models suggest that young children rely on an 'en …
Multiuser stereoscopic projection techniques for CAVE-type virtual reality systems
J Lebiedź, A Mazikowski - IEEE Transactions on Human …, 2021 -
Despite the development of increasingly popular head mounted displays, CAVE-type
systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many …
systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many …
My virtual self: the role of movement in children's sense of embodiment
There are vast potential applications for children's entertainment and education with modern
virtual reality (VR) experiences, yet we know very little about how the movement or form of …
virtual reality (VR) experiences, yet we know very little about how the movement or form of …
Comparative Effectiveness of an Omnidirectional Treadmill versus Natural Walking for Navigating in Virtual Environments
Omnidirectional treadmills provide one solution for locomoting through large virtual
environments in confined physical spaces. Through two experiments, this paper evaluated …
environments in confined physical spaces. Through two experiments, this paper evaluated …
The effect of feedback on estimates of reaching ability in virtual reality
Immersive virtual environments (VEs) are most useful for training and education when
viewers perceive and act accurately within them. Judgments of action capabilities within a …
viewers perceive and act accurately within them. Judgments of action capabilities within a …
Prolonged exposure to mixed reality alters task performance in the unmediated environment
The popularity of mixed reality (MR) technologies, including virtual (VR) and augmented
(AR) reality, have advanced many training and skill development applications. If successful …
(AR) reality, have advanced many training and skill development applications. If successful …