Modelling the fate of marine debris along a complex shoreline: Lessons from the Great Barrier Reef
The accumulation of floating anthropogenic debris in marine and coastal areas has
environmental, economic, aesthetic, and human health impacts. Until now, modelling the …
environmental, economic, aesthetic, and human health impacts. Until now, modelling the …
Mixing efficiency in natural flows
It is argued that the mixing efficiency of naturally occurring stratified shear flows, γ= Rf/(1−
Rf), where Rf is the flux Richardson number, is dependent on at least two governing …
Rf), where Rf is the flux Richardson number, is dependent on at least two governing …
Similarity theory based on the Dougherty–Ozmidov length scale
This article describes a local similarity theory for developed turbulence in the stably stratified
boundary layer that is based on the Brunt–Väisälä frequency and the dissipation rate of …
boundary layer that is based on the Brunt–Väisälä frequency and the dissipation rate of …
Upper pycnocline turbulence in the northern South China Sea
The first regional map** of the averaged turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate< ɛ p> in
the upper pycnocline of the northern South China Sea is presented and discussed. At φ …
the upper pycnocline of the northern South China Sea is presented and discussed. At φ …
Probability distribution of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in ocean: Observations and approximations
The probability distribution of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in stratified ocean
usually deviates from the classic lognormal distribution that has been formulated for and …
usually deviates from the classic lognormal distribution that has been formulated for and …
The TKE dissipation rate in the northern South China Sea
The microstructure measurements taken during the summer seasons of 2009 and 2010 in
the northern South China Sea (between 18° N and 22.5° N, and from the Luzon Strait to the …
the northern South China Sea (between 18° N and 22.5° N, and from the Luzon Strait to the …
Turbulence in the E ast C hina S ea: T he summertime stratification
A series of 134 microstructure profiles were taken in the central East China Sea from a
drifting ship, covering more than 12 miles over the slo** bottom. The water depth z varied …
drifting ship, covering more than 12 miles over the slo** bottom. The water depth z varied …
[HTML][HTML] A multifractal cascade model for energy evolution and dissipation in ocean turbulence
X Liu, Y Zhang, D Song, H Yang, X Li - Journal of Marine Science and …, 2023 -
Scale properties and energy dissipation in the turbulent energy transfer process play an
important role in deeply understanding the features of ocean turbulence. In this paper, a …
important role in deeply understanding the features of ocean turbulence. In this paper, a …
Probability distribution of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in stratified turbulence: Microstructure measurements in the Southern California Bight
A month of microstructure measurements in the Southern California Bight allowed to confirm
the hypothesis that in ocean pycnocline, below the surface mixed layer, the probability …
the hypothesis that in ocean pycnocline, below the surface mixed layer, the probability …
[HTML][HTML] Characterization of Fine-Scale Turbulence Generated in a Laboratory Orbital Shaker and Its Influence on Skeletonema costatum
Turbulence is one of the ubiquitous aspects of aquatic systems and affects many physical
and biological processes. Based on direct velocity measurements and a computational fluid …
and biological processes. Based on direct velocity measurements and a computational fluid …