Map** EU attitudes: Conceptual and empirical dimensions of Euroscepticism and EU support
Public attitudes towards the European Union (EU) are at the heart of a growing body of
research. The nature, structure and antecedents of these attitudes, however, are in need of …
research. The nature, structure and antecedents of these attitudes, however, are in need of …
Socio-psychological barriers to peace making: An empirical examination within the Israeli Jewish society
E Halperin, D Bar-Tal - Journal of Peace Research, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Socio-psychological barriers play a major role in the continuation of intractable conflicts.
They are responsible for the socio-psychological closure that resists and prevents the …
They are responsible for the socio-psychological closure that resists and prevents the …
The emotional underpinnings of populism: How anger and fear affect populist attitudes
Popular accounts of populist movements often point to negative emotions as a key
motivating factor underlying their support. However, little systematic research has been …
motivating factor underlying their support. However, little systematic research has been …
[LIVRE][B] Anxious politics: Democratic citizenship in a threatening world
B Albertson, SK Gadarian - 2015 - books.google.com
Emotions matter in politics-enthusiastic supporters return politicians to office, angry citizens
march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious …
march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious …
Anger, fear, and echo chambers: The emotional basis for online behavior
Emotions, such as anger and fear, have been shown to influence people's political behavior.
However, few studies link emotions specifically to how people debate political issues and …
However, few studies link emotions specifically to how people debate political issues and …
Fear, anger, and voting for the far right: Evidence from the November 13, 2015 Paris terror attacks
The conjecture that negative emotions underpin support for far‐right politics is common
among pundits and scholars. The conventional account holds that authoritarian populists …
among pundits and scholars. The conventional account holds that authoritarian populists …
Expressive partisanship: Campaign involvement, political emotion, and partisan identity
Party identification is central to the study of American political behavior, yet there remains
disagreement over whether it is largely instrumental or expressive in nature. We draw on …
disagreement over whether it is largely instrumental or expressive in nature. We draw on …
Emotions, partisanship, and misperceptions: How anger and anxiety moderate the effect of partisan bias on susceptibility to political misinformation
BE Weeks - Journal of communication, 2015 - academic.oup.com
Citizens are frequently misinformed about political issues and candidates but the
circumstances under which inaccurate beliefs emerge are not fully understood. This …
circumstances under which inaccurate beliefs emerge are not fully understood. This …
Threats, emotions, and affective polarization
Why do some individuals feel hostility and express bias against supporters of other political
parties? Drawing on intergroup threat theory, we examine the role of emotions as a …
parties? Drawing on intergroup threat theory, we examine the role of emotions as a …
Anxious or angry? Effects of discrete emotions on the perceived helpfulness of online reviews
This paper explores the effects of emotions embedded in a seller review on its perceived
helpfulness to readers. Drawing on frameworks in literature on emotion and cognitive …
helpfulness to readers. Drawing on frameworks in literature on emotion and cognitive …