How feedback and feed‐forward mechanisms link determinants of social dominance

T Dehnen, JJ Arbon, DR Farine… - Biological Reviews, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
In many animal societies, individuals differ consistently in their ability to win agonistic
interactions, resulting in dominance hierarchies. These differences arise due to a range of …

Social support drives female dominance in the spotted hyaena

C Vullioud, E Davidian, B Wachter, F Rousset… - Nature ecology & …, 2019 -
Identifying how dominance within and between the sexes is established is pivotal to
understanding sexual selection and sexual conflict. In many species, members of one sex …

Sexual dimorphism in ritualized agonistic behaviour, fighting ability and contest costs of Sus scrofa

I Camerlink, M Farish, G Arnott, SP Turner - Frontiers in zoology, 2022 - Springer
Background Sexual selection has driven sexual dimorphism in agonistic behaviour in many
species. Agonistic behaviour is fundamentally altered by domestication and captivity, but it is …

Aggressiveness-related behavioural types in the pearly razorfish

M Martorell-Barceló, J Mulet, J Sanllehi, M Signaroli… - PeerJ, 2021 -
Behavioural types (ie, personalities or temperament) are defined as among individual
differences in behavioural traits that are consistent over time and ecological contexts …

How do lizards determine dominance? Applying ranking algorithms to animal social behaviour

JM Bush, MKM Quinn, EC Balreira, MA Johnson - Animal Behaviour, 2016 - Elsevier
Dominance relationships are a defining feature of the social organization of many animal
species. Populations structured by absolute dominance usually maintain a generally linear …

Computer animations of color markings reveal the function of visual threat signals in Neolamprologus pulcher

V Balzarini, M Taborsky, F Villa, JG Frommen - Current zoology, 2017 -
Visual signals, including changes in coloration and color patterns, are frequently used by
animals to convey information. During contests, body coloration and its changes can be …

Vibrating aggression: spider males perform an unusual assessment strategy during contest displays

JGL de Almeida, G Arnott, PEC Peixoto - Behavioral Ecology, 2024 -
A recurrent question in animal contests is whether individuals adopt a self or mutual
assessment rule to decide to withdraw from a contest. However, many empirical studies fail …

Choosing a bigger opponent: the path to victory and greater gains for the small contestant

LM Burciaga, G Alcaraz - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2024 - Springer
Animals often engage in contests over limited resources. The probability of winning a
contest is primarily determined by the individual's fighting ability relative to its opponent and …

Fighting off the intruder: context-dependent territory defence in the damselfish Stegastes fuscus

MM Silveira, PF Silva, RG Ferreira… - Environmental Biology of …, 2020 - Springer
Dusky damselfish (Stegastes fuscus) behaviour was investigated under natural and
controlled conditions to evaluate how territory and familiarity affect aggressive behaviour. In …

[HTML][HTML] The angle of attack: rap** technique predicts skill in hermit crab contests

SM Lane, TO Cornwell, M Briffa - Animal Behaviour, 2022 - Elsevier
Highlights•Skill has recently been shown to be a key determinant of fighting success.•Skill is
assumed to rely on innate capacities for motor control (technique).•But opponent …