Present status and future challenges of non-interferometric tests of collapse models

M Carlesso, S Donadi, L Ferialdi, M Paternostro… - Nature Physics, 2022 -
The superposition principle is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, leading to a variety of
genuinely quantum effects. Whether the principle applies also to macroscopic systems or …

Quantum rotations of nanoparticles

BA Stickler, K Hornberger, MS Kim - Nature Reviews Physics, 2021 -
Rotations of microscale rigid bodies exhibit pronounced quantum phenomena that do not
exist for their centre-of-mass motion. By levitating nanoparticles in ultra-high vacuum …

Testing the foundation of quantum physics in space via Interferometric and non-interferometric experiments with mesoscopic nanoparticles

G Gasbarri, A Belenchia, M Carlesso, S Donadi… - Communications …, 2021 -
Quantum technologies are opening novel avenues for applied and fundamental science at
an impressive pace. In this perspective article, we focus on the promises coming from the …

[HTML][HTML] Collapse theories

G Ghirardi, A Bassi - 2002 -
Quantum mechanics, with its revolutionary implications, has posed innumerable problems to
philosophers of science. In particular, it has suggested reconsidering basic concepts such …

[HTML][HTML] Quantum physics in space

A Belenchia, M Carlesso, Ö Bayraktar, D Dequal… - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Advances in quantum technologies are giving rise to a revolution in the way fundamental
physics questions are explored at the empirical level. At the same time, they are the seeds …

6 GHz hyperfast rotation of an optically levitated nanoparticle in vacuum

Y **, J Yan, SJ Rahman, J Li, X Yu, J Zhang - Photonics Research, 2021 -
We report an experimental observation of a record-breaking ultrahigh rotation frequency
about 6 GHz in an optically levitated nanoparticle system. We optically trap a nanoparticle in …

Narrowing the parameter space of collapse models with ultracold layered force sensors

A Vinante, M Carlesso, A Bassi, A Chiasera, S Varas… - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
Despite the unquestionable empirical success of quantum theory, witnessed by the recent
uprising of quantum technologies, the debate on how to reconcile the theory with the …

Precession motion in levitated optomechanics

M Rashid, M Toroš, A Setter, H Ulbricht - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
We investigate experimentally the dynamics of a nonspherical levitated nanoparticle in a
vacuum. In addition to translation and rotation motion, we observe the light torque-induced …

Ultranarrow-linewidth levitated nano-oscillator for testing dissipative wave-function collapse

A Pontin, NP Bullier, M Toroš, PF Barker - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
Levitated nano-oscillators are promising platforms for testing fundamental physics and
quantum mechanics in a new high mass regime. Levitation allows extreme isolation from the …

Room temperature test of the continuous spontaneous localization model using a levitated micro-oscillator

D Zheng, Y Leng, X Kong, R Li, Z Wang, X Luo… - Physical Review …, 2020 - APS
The continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model predicts a tiny break of energy
conservation via a weak stochastic force acting on physical systems, which triggers the …