Healthscapes: The role of the facility and physical environment on consumer attitudes, satisfaction, quality assessments, and behaviors
The role of the health care physical or tangible environment, including the facility, is
essentially an unstudied area. This article identifies and defines components of …
essentially an unstudied area. This article identifies and defines components of …
The physical environment and counseling: A review of theory and research
This article provides a review of published, counseling‐relevant literature on the physical
environment, with a focus on physical elements that may enhance or detract from the …
environment, with a focus on physical elements that may enhance or detract from the …
Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees
A typology of service organizations is presented and a conceptual framework is advanced
for exploring the impact of physical surroundings on the behaviors of both customers and …
for exploring the impact of physical surroundings on the behaviors of both customers and …
The influence of store environment on quality inferences and store image
The study reported here examines how combinations of specific elements in the retail store
environment influence consumers' inferences about merchandise and service quality and …
environment influence consumers' inferences about merchandise and service quality and …
Organizational memory
Despite the fact that memory remains one of the core concepts in informationprocessing
theories (Johnson & Hasher, 1987; Richardson-Klavehn & Bjork, 1988; Shannon & Weaver …
theories (Johnson & Hasher, 1987; Richardson-Klavehn & Bjork, 1988; Shannon & Weaver …
[ספר][B] Society and discourse: How social contexts influence text and talk
TA Van Dijk - 2009 -
After his earlier book Discourse and Context, also published by Cambridge University Press,
Teun A. van Dijk in this study presents the second part of his multidisciplinary theory of …
Teun A. van Dijk in this study presents the second part of his multidisciplinary theory of …
[ספר][B] Industrial/organizational psychology: An applied approach
MG Aamodt - 2016 -
The book guides students in analyzing topics such as resume writing, interview survival, job
description authoring, performance appraisal, employment law, job satisfaction, work …
description authoring, performance appraisal, employment law, job satisfaction, work …
The store-as-a-brand strategy: The effect of store environment on customer responses
Despite their significance within the apparel industry, retailers selling just their own brand of
apparel (single-brand apparel retailers) have not been examined for the relationship …
apparel (single-brand apparel retailers) have not been examined for the relationship …
The influence of the physical environment in offices
TRV Davis - Academy of management review, 1984 -
Physical settings in offices have largely been ignored by managers and scholars. Physical
settings can influence behavior in numerous ways. This paper pulls together relevant …
settings can influence behavior in numerous ways. This paper pulls together relevant …
4 the physical environment in organizations
We review empirical research on the physical environment in professional, organizational
work settings (ie, offices, meeting rooms, and design work spaces) from the past several …
work settings (ie, offices, meeting rooms, and design work spaces) from the past several …