[HTML][HTML] A dynamic 2000—540 Ma Earth history: From cratonic amalgamation to the age of supercontinent cycle

ZX Li, Y Liu, R Ernst - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Establishing how tectonic plates have moved since deep time is essential for understanding
how Earth's geodynamic system has evolved and operates, thus answering longstanding …

Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time: Linking the Neoproterozoic and the Phanerozoic

AS Merdith, SE Williams, AS Collins, MG Tetley… - Earth-Science …, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent progress in plate tectonic reconstructions has seen models move beyond the
classical idea of continental drift by attempting to reconstruct the full evolving configuration of …

Mantle plumes and their role in Earth processes

AAP Koppers, TW Becker, MG Jackson… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2021 - nature.com
The existence of mantle plumes was first proposed in the 1970s to explain intra-plate,
hotspot volcanism, yet owing to difficulties in resolving mantle upwellings with geophysical …

The supercontinent cycle

RN Mitchell, N Zhang, J Salminen, Y Liu… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2021 - nature.com
Supercontinents signify self-organization in plate tectonics. Over the past~ 2 billion years,
three major supercontinents have been identified, with increasing age: Pangaea, Rodinia …

Continent-sized anomalous zones with low seismic velocity at the base of Earth's mantle

EJ Garnero, AK McNamara, SH Shim - Nature Geoscience, 2016 - nature.com
Seismic images of Earth's interior reveal two massive anomalous zones at the base of the
mantle, above the core, where seismic waves travel slowly. The mantle materials that …

[HTML][HTML] Global kinematics of tectonic plates and subduction zones since the late Paleozoic Era

A Young, N Flament, K Maloney, S Williams… - Geoscience …, 2019 - Elsevier
Detailed global plate motion models that provide a continuous description of plate
boundaries through time are an effective tool for exploring processes both at and below the …

A review of large low shear velocity provinces and ultra low velocity zones

AK McNamara - Tectonophysics, 2019 - Elsevier
Seismic tomography reveals 2 extensive regions in the lowermost mantle, beneath Africa
and the Pacific, that exhibit lower-than-average seismic wave speeds. These regions have …

Advances in map** lowermost mantle convective flow with seismic anisotropy observations

J Wolf, M Li, MD Long, E Garnero - Reviews of Geophysics, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Convective flow in the deep mantle controls Earth's dynamic evolution, influences plate
tectonics, and has shaped Earth's current surface features. Present and past convection …

Viscosity jump in Earth's mid-mantle

ML Rudolph, V Lekić, C Lithgow-Bertelloni - Science, 2015 - science.org
The viscosity structure of Earth's deep mantle affects the thermal evolution of Earth, the
ascent of mantle plumes, settling of subducted oceanic lithosphere, and the mixing of …

Growth, destruction, and preservation of Earth's continental crust

CJ Spencer, NMW Roberts, M Santosh - Earth-Science Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
From the scant Hadean records of the Jack Hills to Cenozoic supervolcanoes, the
continental crust provides a synoptic view deep into Earth history. However, the information …