[HTML][HTML] Mineralogy and genesis of the Pb-Zn-Sb-Ag vein H32A in the Příbram uranium and base-metal district, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Z Dolníček, J Ulmanová, J Sejkora, F Knížek… - Ore Geology …, 2023 - Elsevier
A detailed paragenetic, electron microprobe, fluid inclusion and S, C, O-isotope study was
conducted on Pb-Zn-Sb-Ag mineralization of the vein H32A, Háje deposit, Příbram uranium …
conducted on Pb-Zn-Sb-Ag mineralization of the vein H32A, Háje deposit, Příbram uranium …
A review of the physicochemical properties and flotation of pyrrhotite superstructures (4C – Fe7S8/ 5C – Fe9S10) in Ni‐Cu sulphide mineral processing
RS Multani, KE Waters - The Canadian Journal of Chemical …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Pyrrhotite is one of the most abundant sulphide gangue minerals in base metal mining
operations. It has little economic value and is a significant contributor of SO2 emissions at …
operations. It has little economic value and is a significant contributor of SO2 emissions at …
Electrochemical and XPS investigations on the galvanic interaction between pentlandite and pyrrhotite in collectorless flotation system
D Liu, G Zhang, BB Li - Minerals Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Pentlandite and pyrrhotite are ubiquitously symbiotically aggregated with each other, and
the galvanic interaction between them inevitably occurs in flotation process. However, there …
the galvanic interaction between them inevitably occurs in flotation process. However, there …
[HTML][HTML] The role of biotite in the deterioration of pyrrhotite within concrete aggregates: Trois-Rivières case study
Abstract In Trois-Rivières, Canada, numerous commercial and residential structures suffered
severe concrete degradation due to internal sulfate attack (ISA). The deterioration was …
severe concrete degradation due to internal sulfate attack (ISA). The deterioration was …
The giant Mascot Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, British Columbia: Mineralized conduits in a convergent margin tectonic setting
Abstract The Giant Mascot Ni-Cu-PGE deposit is the only past-producing nickel mine (1958–
1974) in the Canadian Cordillera of British Columbia, Canada, with~ 4.2 Mt of ore grading …
1974) in the Canadian Cordillera of British Columbia, Canada, with~ 4.2 Mt of ore grading …
Processing of low-grade ultramafic nickel ores: A critical review
Nickel (Ni) is used to fabricate a variety of products, including various alloys-stainless steel
being a prominent one, batteries, and catalysts. Global Ni demand is projected to increase …
being a prominent one, batteries, and catalysts. Global Ni demand is projected to increase …
Zonation of Merensky-style platinum-group element mineralization in Turfspruit thick reef facies (northern limb of the Bushveld Complex)
The stratigraphy, whole-rock composition, and mineralogy from a thick undisturbed section
of the Platreef at depth on Turfspruit in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex have …
of the Platreef at depth on Turfspruit in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex have …
[HTML][HTML] Quantifying pyrrhotite superstructures in copper-gold ore flotation through synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis
Pyrrhotite, a significant sulfide mineral in base metal sulfide deposits, exists in various
superstructures including magnetic (4C) and non-magnetic (5C and 6C) types. Identifying …
superstructures including magnetic (4C) and non-magnetic (5C and 6C) types. Identifying …
[HTML][HTML] Unveiling different pyrrhotite superstructures in copper-gold ore samples: Insights from advanced spectroscopic and microscopic characterization
Pyrrhotite exhibits diverse non-stoichiometric superstructures with varied surface reactivities,
causing contradictory flotation behaviors in industrial processes. The challenges in …
causing contradictory flotation behaviors in industrial processes. The challenges in …
The nanoscale mineralogy of Fe, Ni sulfides in pristine and metamorphosed CM and CM/CI‐like chondrites: Tap** a petrogenetic record
D Harries, F Langenhorst - Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
We have sampled sulfide grains from one pristine CM2 chondrite (Yamato [Y‐] 791198), one
thermally metamorphosed CM2 chondrite (Y‐793321), and two anomalous, metamorphosed …
thermally metamorphosed CM2 chondrite (Y‐793321), and two anomalous, metamorphosed …