[HTML][HTML] Using miniature experiments to reveal strength gradients in battery casings

T Tancogne-Dejean, CC Roth, V Grolleau… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Complex metallic structures are often manufactured through multi-step forming or casting
processes that induce severe mechanical property variations within the final part. Instead of …

Competing fracture modes in Al-steel resistance spot welded structures: Experimental evaluation and numerical prediction

C Qian, H Ghassemi-Armaki, L Shi, J Kang… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Multi-material design has been increasingly used in the automotive industry for structural
lightweighting. A novel resistance spot welding technique has been developed to join …

[HTML][HTML] Fracture modeling of resistance spot welded ultra-high-strength steel considering the effect of liquid metal embrittlement crack

Y Ma, Y Yu, P Geng, R Ihara, K Maeda, R Suzuki… - Materials & Design, 2021 - Elsevier
Zinc-coated ultra-high-strength steel (UHSS) sheets are highly susceptible to liquid metal
embrittlement (LME) during resistance spot welding. However, systematic understanding on …

[HTML][HTML] Strength and failure of self-piercing riveted aluminum and steel sheet joints: multi-axial experiments and modeling

N Karathanasopoulos, D Mohr - Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 2022 - Elsevier
The mechanical failure of self-piercing rivet (SPR) joints connecting seven series aluminum
and high strength steel sheets is investigated, both numerically and experimentally. The joint …

[HTML][HTML] Measurement of local material properties and failure analysis of resistance spot welds of advanced high-strength steel sheets

Y Ma, A Takikawa, J Nakanishi, K Doira, T Shimizu… - Materials & Design, 2021 - Elsevier
Safety evaluation of resistance spot welds necessitates the accurate measurement of local
constitutive properties. This study employed miniature mechanical tests to investigate the …

Dynamic tensile behavior of Al0. 1CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy: Experiments, microstructure and modeling over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures

K Jiang, J Li, Y Meng, B Hou, T Suo - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022 - Elsevier
High entropy alloys (HEAs) are considered as new metallic materials with great application
prospects due to their excellent mechanical properties. Massive experimental studies have …

Failure characterization and meso-scale damage modeling of spot welds in hot-stamped automotive steels using a hardness-map** approach

A Mohamadizadeh, E Biro, M Worswick - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022 - Elsevier
A meso-scale modeling approach is used to relate the local microstructural strength and
fracture resistance to the macro-scale failure response of spot welds in hot-stamped ultra …

[HTML][HTML] Semi-automatic miniature specimen testing method to characterize the plasticity and fracture properties of metals

T Beerli, CC Roth, D Mohr - Acta Materialia, 2024 - Elsevier
Miniature-testing is essential to characterize the plastic response of materials for which the
extraction of conventional full-size specimens is impossible. Examples are weld regions with …

[HTML][HTML] Self-piercing riveting process: Prediction of joint characteristics through finite element and neural network modeling

N Karathanasopoulos, KS Pandya, D Mohr - Journal of Advanced Joining …, 2021 - Elsevier
Develo** robust numerical simulation tools to investigate the self-piercing riveting process
is critical, since the feasibility, quality and strength of riveted connections relies on the …

Quality monitoring of resistance spot welding based on a digital twin

J Dong, J Hu, Z Luo - Metals, 2023 - mdpi.com
As an important means to realize intelligent manufacturing, a digital twin is a digital
expression of physical entities, which realizes virtual–real interaction and the iterative …