Linked Open Government Data: Still a Viable Option for Sharing and Integrating Public Data?

A Quarati, R Albertoni - Future Internet, 2024 -
Linked Data (LD) principles, when applied to Open Government Data (OGD), aim to make
government data accessible and interconnected, unlocking its full potential and facilitating …

Barriers to using open government data

J Wieczorkowski - Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on e …, 2019 -
The article describes the issues of Open Government Data (OGD) and problems with the use
of such data. Good quality and proper publishing of OGD enable (apart from the control …

Assessing information and system quality of open government data portals in Croatia

K Kević, C Alexopoulos, A Kuveždić Divjak - Proceedings of the 15th …, 2022 -
Open government data (OGD) paradigm gained momentum in the recent years resulting in
numerous OGD initiatives. These initiatives assured reliable and faster development of open …

Conceptual Linked Data Model for South African Municipalities Public Services Domain

G Ovono, S Moyo - Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems …, 2022 - Springer
In recent years, the expansive growth of data communication within governmental
organizations has led to the initiative of electronic government (eGov). Technology providers …

Potential Uses of Abstract Spaces in Smart City Management

C Stępniak, T Turek - Procedia Computer Science, 2023 - Elsevier
ICT tools based on abstract spaces can be considered as the" younger sibling" of GIS tools.
While GIS tools based on real spaces, ie those that are easy for users to imagine, are …

Selected Aspects of Supporting Smart City Investment Processes with the Use of Spatial Description Technology

T Turek, C Stępniak - Procedia Computer Science, 2024 - Elsevier
The concept of space is becoming more and more popular in many areas of human activity.
It ceased to be associated only as geographical or astronomical. More and more often …

[PDF][PDF] Improvement Strategy for Open Government Data Using Fuzzy AHP: Case Study Jakarta Open Data

DJ Pradipta, S Ariani, DI Sensuse… - … Dan Informasi: Jurnal …, 2020 -
Abstract Open Government Data (OGD) implementation provides benefits for government
performance and public services. Based on the Indonesian government's openness action …

Artificial Intelligence's Influence on Risk Management

T Sharma, S Verma, H Satyala, T Tiwari… - … in Engineering and …, 2024 -
This paper examines the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on risk management. It is an
integral part of the decision-making process, encompassing a variety of activities and …

Artificial Intelligence: A Tool for Talent Management

SH Krishna, J Gowrabhathini, SH Nalluru… - … in Engineering and … -
In the western world, artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated everyday life for most people.
Being a mimic of human intelligence and capacities, AI has assumed certain responsibilities …

Wpływ otwartych danych publicznych na potencjał innowacyjny przedsiębiorstw w świetle badań pilotażowych

M Golińska-Pieszyńska… - Studia Prawno …, 2020 -
Background: The article deals with the problem of public sector data influencing different
areas of enterprise activities, analyzed in the context of the open innovation model …