Feedforward control of piezoactuators in atomic force microscope systems

KK Leang, Q Zou, S Devasia - IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2009‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article describes an inversion-based feedforward approach to compensate for dynamic
and hysteresis effects in piezoactuators with application to AFM technology. To handle the …

Adaptive fuzzy fault tolerant control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with output constraints and unknown control directions

Z Ruan, Q Yang, SS Ge, Y Sun - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy …, 2021‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article studies the adaptive fuzzy fault tolerant control (FTC) problem for a class of
uncertain multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems with unknown control directions …

Decoupling control of vehicle chassis system based on neural network inverse system

C Wang, W Zhao, Z Luan, Q Gao, K Deng - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Steering and suspension are two important subsystems affecting the handling stability and
riding comfort of the chassis system. In order to avoid the interference and coupling of the …

Robust inversion-based 2-DOF control design for output tracking: piezoelectric-actuator example

Y Wu, Q Zou - IEEE Transactions on Control Systems …, 2009‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a novel robust inversion-based 2-DOF control approach for output tracking is
proposed. Inversion-based feedforward control techniques have been successfully …

Optimal preview-based stable-inversion for output tracking of nonminimum-phase linear systems

Q Zou - Automatica, 2009‏ - Elsevier
In this article, a new approach to output tracking of nonminimum-phase systems is proposed.
The proposed technique extends the preview-based stable-inversion method to optimally …

Block approach to analysis and design of the invariant nonlinear tracking systems

SA Krasnova, VA Utkin, AV Utkin - Automation and Remote Control, 2017‏ - Springer
Consideration was given to the nonlinear multiple-input multiple-output systems under the
action of unmatched exogenous perturbations. For the general systems where the …

Combined -Feedback Control and Iterative Learning Control Design With Application to Nanopositioning Systems

BE Helfrich, C Lee, DA Bristow, XH **%20Control%20for%20an%20Underactuated%20Reusable%20Launch%20Vehicle.pdf" data-clk="hl=iw&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=7&d=7596392866228384556&ei=EwTHZ_LjM9aIieoP7cDcoAw" data-clk-atid="LLPafRDPa2kJ" target="_blank">[PDF] github.io

Anti-windup robust backstep** control for an underactuated reusable launch vehicle

L Ye, B Tian, H Liu, Q Zong, B Liang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The attitude control of an underactuated reusable launch vehicle (RLV) in the reentry phase
involving nonminimum phase problem and control input constraints is investigated in this …

[ספר][B] Nonlinear time scale systems in standard and nonstandard forms: Analysis and control

A Narang-Siddarth, J Valasek - 2014‏ - SIAM
Singular perturbation theory plays a significant role in analysis and design of control laws. It
presents control engineers with the advantage of model reduction that simplifies both the …

Блочный подход к анализу и синтезу инвариантных нелинейных систем слежения

СА Краснова, ВА Уткин, АВ Уткин - Автоматика и телемеханика, 2017‏ - mathnet.ru
Рассматриваются нелинейные системы слежения со многими входами и многими
выходами при действии внешних, несогласованных возмущений. Для общего вида …