Efficient, helpful, or distracting? A literature review of media multitasking in relation to academic performance
Media multitasking, using two or more medias concurrently, prevails among adolescents
and emerging adults. The inherent mental habits of media multitasking—dividing attention …
and emerging adults. The inherent mental habits of media multitasking—dividing attention …
The four phases of the digital natives debate
The challenge of educating digital natives has caused educators to radically rethink the
ways in which they teach the generations who have come of age immersed in modern …
ways in which they teach the generations who have come of age immersed in modern …
Impact of mobile technology on student attitudes, engagement, and learning
Mobile devices and collaborative learning environments are common tools in education but
not all collaborative learning is structured the same. This study evaluated student learning in …
not all collaborative learning is structured the same. This study evaluated student learning in …
Is the smartphone a smart choice? The effect of smartphone separation on executive functions
Despite a huge spike in smartphone overuse, the cognitive and emotional consequences of
smartphone overuse have rarely been examined empirically. In two studies, we investigated …
smartphone overuse have rarely been examined empirically. In two studies, we investigated …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of media multitasking on the processing and comprehension of multiple documents: Does main idea summarization make a difference?
Media multitasking refers to simultaneous engagement in two activities, or the act of
switching between multiple activities, of which at least one is a media activity. Based on this …
switching between multiple activities, of which at least one is a media activity. Based on this …
Generation Z: What's next?
GA Talmon - Medical science educator, 2019 - Springer
The current generation of learners in medical education, Millennials, has been extensively
characterized. This work has helped to inform teaching innovation and curricula over the …
characterized. This work has helped to inform teaching innovation and curricula over the …
College students' multitasking behavior in online versus face-to-face courses
This study compared college students' multitasking in online courses with their multitasking
in face-to-face courses and explored the significance of potential predictors of multitasking in …
in face-to-face courses and explored the significance of potential predictors of multitasking in …
Digital distractions from the point of view of higher education students
Technology enables a more sustainable and universally accessible educational model.
However, technology has brought a paradox into students' lives: it helps them engage in …
However, technology has brought a paradox into students' lives: it helps them engage in …
Cyberloafing among Gen Z students: the role of norms, moral disengagement, multitasking self-efficacy, and psychological outcomes
This paper examines mobile cyberloafing, ie the use of phones for non-study purposes
among Gen Z students, the first generation of digital natives. Drawing from research on …
among Gen Z students, the first generation of digital natives. Drawing from research on …
What college instructors can do about student cyber-slacking
Today's traditional-aged college students are avid users of mobile technology. Commonly
referred to as the Net Generation, today's college students spend several hours each day …
referred to as the Net Generation, today's college students spend several hours each day …