Resilience of aquatic systems: Review and management implications

MC Pelletier, J Ebersole, K Mulvaney, B Rashleigh… - Aquatic sciences, 2020 - Springer
Our understanding of how ecosystems function has changed from an equilibria-based view
to one that recognizes the dynamic, fluctuating, nonlinear nature of aquatic systems. This …

Much effort, little success: causes for the low ecological efficacy of restoration measures in German surface waters

DJ Brettschneider, T Spring, M Blumer, L Welge… - Environmental Sciences …, 2023 - Springer
Background For more than 20 years, restoration measures have been conducted on
watercourses in Germany to increase habitat diversity and thus promote biodiversity …

Dam inundation simplifies the plant community composition

J Zheng, M Arif, S Zhang, Z Yuan, L Zhang, J Li… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
The construction of dams has caused riparian habitat degradation and ecosystem service
loss globally. It is critical to assess the response of riparian plant communities to inundation …

Multidimensional aspects of floods: nature-based mitigation measures from basin to river reach scale

A Kuriqi, A Hysa - Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation …, 2021 - Springer
This chapter aims to deliver a brief overview of flood mitigation and protective measures at
different scales within the catchment area and identify the main factors to be considered in …

Distinguishing the mechanisms driving multifaceted plant diversity in subtropical reservoir riparian zones

J Zheng, M Arif, X He, X Liu, C Li - Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023 -
Understanding the multifaceted plant diversity and its maintenance mechanisms is crucial
for biodiversity conservation. Dam-induced water level fluctuations dramatically alter various …

Interactions between vegetation and river morphodynamics. Part II: Why is a functional trait framework important?

D Corenblit, H Piégay, F Arrignon… - Earth-Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
The structure and function of riparian ecosystems generally result from feedbacks between
plant dynamics and fluvial processes and landforms, ie, river morphodynamics. Taxonomic …

Spatiotemporal dynamics and present perception of gravel bars in natural and regulated environments

A Holušová, Z Poledniková, L Vaverka… - Science of The Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Gravel bars represent unique habitats in gravel bed rivers. These formations are
endangered by river management affecting the channel natural behavior and flow …

Riparian vegetation restoration: Does social perception reflect ecological value?

P Arsénio, PM Rodríguez‐González… - River Research and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Social‐ecological contexts are key to the success of ecological restoration projects. The
ecological quality of restoration efforts, however, may not be fully evident to stakeholders …

A functional characterization of bioengineered plant communities along riverbanks

M Tisserant, E González-Sargas, A Evette… - Ecological …, 2024 - Elsevier
The extent to which soil bioengineering preserves the ecological functions of riverbank
vegetation beyond erosion control remains largely unexplored. This study compared the …

Ecological impacts of management practices in agricultural drain networks: a literature synthesis

L Damphousse, K Van Goethem, E Carroll… - Canadian Water …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Drain networks are essential for connecting farming landscapes to waterways to help
mitigate floods and convey water downstream. Unfortunately, drains also convey nutrients …