[HTML][HTML] Generating non-classical correlations in two-level atoms
We address the effective generation of thermal non-classical correlations in two two-level
atoms when exposed to a Fock-state cavity incorporated with classical decoherence effects …
atoms when exposed to a Fock-state cavity incorporated with classical decoherence effects …
Hierarchy of the nonlocal advantage of quantum coherence and Bell nonlocality
Quantum coherence and nonlocality capture the nature of quantumness from different
aspects. For the two-qubit states with a diagonal correlation matrix, we prove strictly a …
aspects. For the two-qubit states with a diagonal correlation matrix, we prove strictly a …
Non-local correlation dynamics in two-dimensional graphene
We explore the non-local correlation dynamics in a Graphene sheet of disordered electrons
in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, containing two sublattices, induced by the …
in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, containing two sublattices, induced by the …
Characterizing Two‐Qubit Non‐Classical Correlations and Non‐Locality in Mixed Local Dephasing Noisy Channels
The dephasing effects of two independent local mixed static‐Ornstein Uhlenbeck (STC‐
OUK) noisy channels on the dynamics of two‐qubit non‐classical correlations, non‐locality …
OUK) noisy channels on the dynamics of two‐qubit non‐classical correlations, non‐locality …
Control of a qubit under Markovian and non-Markovian noise
An essential action in quantum information processing is the manipulation (control) of a
single qubit, ideally a closed two-level system. However, in realistic applications, quantum …
single qubit, ideally a closed two-level system. However, in realistic applications, quantum …
Nonlocality, quantum correlations, and violations of classical realism in the dynamics of two noninteracting quantum walkers
That quantum correlations can be generated over time between the spin and the position of
a quantum walker is indisputable. The creation of bipartite entanglement has also been …
a quantum walker is indisputable. The creation of bipartite entanglement has also been …
Quantum violations of joint reality
Based on (i) the physical principle of local causality and (ii) a certain notion of elements of
reality, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen put forward an argument showing that physical …
reality, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen put forward an argument showing that physical …
[HTML][HTML] Dynamics of nonlocal correlation of two superconducting charge qubits induced by intrinsic decoherence
The generated nonlocal correlations of two superconducting-charge (SCC) qubits including
uncertainty-induced nonlocality (UIN), Bell-Horodecki nonlocality, and negativity's …
uncertainty-induced nonlocality (UIN), Bell-Horodecki nonlocality, and negativity's …
Nonanomalous measure of realism-based nonlocality
VS Gomes, RM Angelo - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
Based on a recently proposed model of physical reality and an underlying criterion of
nonlocality for contexts [ALO Bilobran and RM Angelo, Europhys. Lett. 112, 40005 (2015) …
nonlocality for contexts [ALO Bilobran and RM Angelo, Europhys. Lett. 112, 40005 (2015) …
Entanglement versus Bell non-locality via solving the fractional Schrödinger equation using the twisting model
The memory fractional effects of a one-axis twisting model on the dynamics of two-qubit
entanglement and non-locality are discussed. It consists of solving the time-dependent …
entanglement and non-locality are discussed. It consists of solving the time-dependent …