Collaborative learning through user generated knowledge

L Heck - US Patent App. 13/743,511, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND [0001] Arti? cial Intelligence (AI) systems have a limited scope/breadth of
knowledge. Designing and training comput ing machines used in the AI systems require a …

Method and system for evaluating user satisfaction with respect to a user session

A Glass, S Gaffney, X Yi - US Patent 10,599,659, 2020 - Google Patents
J. Ranstam, Why the P-value culture is bad and confidence intervals a better alternative, In
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, vol. 20, Issue 8, Aug. 2012, pp. 805-808, ISSN 1063-4584 …

Associating content items with document sections

A Kannan, K Kenthapadi, M Kokkodis - US Patent 10,216,833, 2019 - Google Patents
ABSTRACT A document such as a book or textbook includes multiple sections such as
chapters. Concept phrases are determined for each of the sections based on the text of each …

User information needs based data selection

T Wang, TY Liu, X Fan - US Patent 9,589,056, 2017 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND With the big boom of information available on the inter net, it is a challenge
to effectively and efficiently select data meaningful to users from a massive amount of …

Determining rewrite similarity scores

SV Thite, D Sivakumar - US Patent 8,756,241, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND This specification generally relates to targeted advertising. The Internet
provides access to a wide variety of resources, Such as text, images, videos, audio files, and …

Structured search query generation and use in a computer network environment

RVMK Peddinti, LK Dabbiru - US Patent 9,582,537, 2017 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND In a computer networked environment such as the inter net, entities such as
people or companies provide informa tion for public display on web pages or other online …

Method and apparatus for processing search data

XIE Pengjun, X Zhou, J Lang - US Patent 10,635,678, 2020 - Google Patents
US10635678B2 - Method and apparatus for processing search data - Google Patents
US10635678B2 - Method and apparatus for processing search data - Google Patents Method …

Method and apparatus for processing search data

XIE Pengjun, X Zhou, J Lang - US Patent 11,347,758, 2022 - Google Patents
The disclosure provides a method and apparatus for pro cessing search data. For a
historical search query that includes a knowledge requirement, the disclosure mines entity …

Structured search query generation and use in a computer network environment

RVMK Peddinti, LK Dabbiru - US Patent 10,031,941, 2018 - Google Patents
Systems and methods of evaluating search query terms in a computer network environment
are provided. A data pro cessing system can obtain, from a computing device via a computer …