Solar-driven interfacial water evaporation for wastewater purification: Recent advances and challenges
Solar-driven interfacial water evaporation has received considerable attention as a potential
solution for wastewater treatment applications. Despite previous studies confirming …
solution for wastewater treatment applications. Despite previous studies confirming …
Solar-powered sustainable water production: state-of-the-art technologies for sunlight–energy–water nexus
Alternative water resources (seawater, brackish water, atmospheric water, sewage, etc.) can
be converted into clean freshwater via high-efficiency, energy-saving, and cost-effective …
be converted into clean freshwater via high-efficiency, energy-saving, and cost-effective …
Coupling solar-driven photothermal effect into photocatalysis for sustainable water treatment
Effectively harnessing renewable and inexhaustible solar radiation for energy conversion
has attracted significant research interest in the past decade. Solar thermal conversion, as a …
has attracted significant research interest in the past decade. Solar thermal conversion, as a …
Solar-driven interfacial evaporation for water treatment: advanced research progress and challenges
J Li, Y **g, G **ng, M Liu, Y Cui, H Sun… - Journal of Materials …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Solar-driven interfacial evaporation (SDIE) using the widely distributed solar energy as the
driving force and simple and portable photothermal evaporation structures as the core …
driving force and simple and portable photothermal evaporation structures as the core …
Graphene and rice-straw-fiber-based 3D photothermal aerogels for highly efficient solar evaporation
Solar-steam generation is one of the most promising technologies to mitigate the issue of
clean water shortage using sustainable solar energy. Photothermal aerogels, especially the …
clean water shortage using sustainable solar energy. Photothermal aerogels, especially the …
Biological and bioinspired thermal energy regulation and utilization
The regulation and utilization of thermal energy is increasingly important in modern society
due to the growing demand for heating and cooling in applications ranging from buildings, to …
due to the growing demand for heating and cooling in applications ranging from buildings, to …
Heat-localized solar evaporation: Transport processes and applications
Solar evaporation by heat localization has drawn intensive research interest recent years,
because this potential desalination technology is free of fossil fuel consumption and carbon …
because this potential desalination technology is free of fossil fuel consumption and carbon …
Solar-driven interfacial evaporation
As a ubiquitous solar-thermal energy conversion process, solar-driven evaporation has
attracted tremendous research attention owing to its high conversion efficiency of solar …
attracted tremendous research attention owing to its high conversion efficiency of solar …
Recent advances and challenges of emerging solar-driven steam and the contribution of photocatalytic effect
In recent years, solar-driven steam materials and systems for water desalination and
decontamination have received increasing attention from the scientific community …
decontamination have received increasing attention from the scientific community …
Development and evolution of the system structure for highly efficient solar steam generation from zero to three dimensions
Direct solar steam generation (DSSG) offers a promising, sustainable, and environmentally
friendly solution to the energy and water crisis. In the past decades, DSSG has gained …
friendly solution to the energy and water crisis. In the past decades, DSSG has gained …