Designing and Evaluating Presentation Avatar for Promoting Self-Review
K Inazawa, A Kashihara - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information …, 2022 - search.ieice.org
Self-review is essential to improving presentation, particularly for novice/unskilled
researchers. In general, they could record a video of their presentation, and then check it out …
researchers. In general, they could record a video of their presentation, and then check it out …
Automatic estimation of presentation skills using speech, slides and gestures
A Hanani, M Al-Amleh, W Bazbus… - Speech and Computer …, 2017 - Springer
This paper proposes an automatic system which uses multimodal techniques for
automatically estimating oral presentation skills. It is based on a set of features from three …
automatically estimating oral presentation skills. It is based on a set of features from three …
Toward smart classrooms: Automated detection of speech analytics and disfluency with deep learning
T Kourkounakis - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Strong presentation skills are valuable and sought-after in workplace and classroom
environments alike. Though they are necessary for day-to-day life, there is a lack of effective …
environments alike. Though they are necessary for day-to-day life, there is a lack of effective …
Technical talent training effectiveness: vocal versus visual feedback
X Zhao, Y Sun, J Yu, B Xu - Third International Conference on …, 2024 - spiedigitallibrary.org
With the rapid advancement of digital technology, such as big data, artificial intelligence,
cloud computing, etc., these technologies provide unprecedented possibilities for …
cloud computing, etc., these technologies provide unprecedented possibilities for …
初心者向けプレゼンテーション練習支援システム PRESENCE の開発と評価
趙新博, 由井薗隆也, 宗森純 - 電気学会論文誌 C (電子・情報・システム …, 2018 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 In recent years, presentation with computer is important as a social skill to transfer
knowledge and information, but presentation practice is depending on the know-how, such …
knowledge and information, but presentation practice is depending on the know-how, such …
[PDF][PDF] Public Speaking Web Trainer
D Pliushchenko, M Zaslavskiy - Conference of Open Innovations …, 2021 - fruct.org
This paper describes a web-based application that can be used to prepare for giving a
public talk. Firstly, an overview of existing public speaking applications is provided. We …
public talk. Firstly, an overview of existing public speaking applications is provided. We …
プレゼンテーション練習支援システム PRESENCE の音声フィードバックと画像フィードバック効果の比較
趙新博, 由井薗隆也, 宗森純 - 研究報告グループウェアと …, 2017 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 プレゼンテーション能力は知識を伝達する社会スキルとして重要である. その中, 我々は,
発表初心者の実演表現の練習を支援するプレゼンテーション練習支援システム PRESENCE …
発表初心者の実演表現の練習を支援するプレゼンテーション練習支援システム PRESENCE …
[PDF][PDF] プレゼンタ動作を再現・再構成するロボットプレゼンテーションシステム
後藤充裕, 石野達也, 稲澤佳祐, 松村成宗… - JSiSE 2017 年度第 5 回 …, 2018 - jsise.org
様々な場面で実施されるプレゼンテーションでは, 聴衆の注意を誘導したり, 聴衆の内容理解を促進
するプレゼンタの非言語動作が非常に重要である. しかし, これら動作を適切に実施することは経験 …
するプレゼンタの非言語動作が非常に重要である. しかし, これら動作を適切に実施することは経験 …
[PDF][PDF] An Extensible Platform for Real-Time Feedback in Presentation Training
M Zahir - 2016 - researchportal.vub.be
Presentations are an important form of communication, mainly used to deliver a message or
to persuade people. Identified centuries ago, presentations are practically used everywhere …
to persuade people. Identified centuries ago, presentations are practically used everywhere …
[PDF][PDF] プレゼンテーションの実演練習支援システムに関する研究―**人初心者を中心にした検討―
趙新博 - 2018 - dspace.jaist.ac.jp
JAIST Repository Page 1 Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology JAIST Repository
https://dspace.jaist.ac.jp/ Title プレゼンテーションの実演練習支援システムに関する 研究―**人 …
https://dspace.jaist.ac.jp/ Title プレゼンテーションの実演練習支援システムに関する 研究―**人 …