Challenges and opportunities in quantum machine learning
At the intersection of machine learning and quantum computing, quantum machine learning
has the potential of accelerating data analysis, especially for quantum data, with …
has the potential of accelerating data analysis, especially for quantum data, with …
Variational quantum algorithms
Applications such as simulating complicated quantum systems or solving large-scale linear
algebra problems are very challenging for classical computers, owing to the extremely high …
algebra problems are very challenging for classical computers, owing to the extremely high …
Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data
Modern quantum machine learning (QML) methods involve variationally optimizing a
parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions …
parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions …
Connecting ansatz expressibility to gradient magnitudes and barren plateaus
Parametrized quantum circuits serve as ansatze for solving variational problems and
provide a flexible paradigm for the programming of near-term quantum computers. Ideally …
provide a flexible paradigm for the programming of near-term quantum computers. Ideally …
Exponential concentration in quantum kernel methods
Abstract Kernel methods in Quantum Machine Learning (QML) have recently gained
significant attention as a potential candidate for achieving a quantum advantage in data …
significant attention as a potential candidate for achieving a quantum advantage in data …
Absence of barren plateaus in quantum convolutional neural networks
Quantum neural networks (QNNs) have generated excitement around the possibility of
efficiently analyzing quantum data. But this excitement has been tempered by the existence …
efficiently analyzing quantum data. But this excitement has been tempered by the existence …
Information-theoretic bounds on quantum advantage in machine learning
We study the performance of classical and quantum machine learning (ML) models in
predicting outcomes of physical experiments. The experiments depend on an input …
predicting outcomes of physical experiments. The experiments depend on an input …
Representation theory for geometric quantum machine learning
Recent advances in classical machine learning have shown that creating models with
inductive biases encoding the symmetries of a problem can greatly improve performance …
inductive biases encoding the symmetries of a problem can greatly improve performance …
Out-of-distribution generalization for learning quantum dynamics
Generalization bounds are a critical tool to assess the training data requirements of
Quantum Machine Learning (QML). Recent work has established guarantees for in …
Quantum Machine Learning (QML). Recent work has established guarantees for in …
Quantum machine learning for chemistry and physics
Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a formidable force for identifying hidden but
pertinent patterns within a given data set with the objective of subsequent generation of …
pertinent patterns within a given data set with the objective of subsequent generation of …