[HTML][HTML] Formal methods and validation techniques for ensuring automotive systems security
The increasing complexity and connectivity of automotive systems have raised concerns
about their vulnerability to security breaches. As a result, the integration of formal methods …
about their vulnerability to security breaches. As a result, the integration of formal methods …
Edge of enterprise architecture in addressing cyber security threats and business risks
Enterprise Architecture plays a critical role in reducing business risks holistically and
ensuring a company's resilience to cyber security threats. This abstract emphasizes the …
ensuring a company's resilience to cyber security threats. This abstract emphasizes the …
Enterprise architecture modeling for cybersecurity analysis in critical infrastructures-A systematic literature review
As digital landscapes become increasingly complex, safeguarding sensitive information and
systems against cyber threats has become a paramount concern for organizations. This …
systems against cyber threats has become a paramount concern for organizations. This …
Cybersecurity maturity model: Systematic literature review and a proposed model
The growing importance of cybersecurity stems from its strategic value to various
stakeholders, including individuals, businesses, governments, and society as a whole …
stakeholders, including individuals, businesses, governments, and society as a whole …
Efficiency and effectiveness: enterprise architecture strategies for healthcare service
In a globally evolving health landscape, attaining maximum efficiency and efficacy is of the
utmost importance. The present study investigates the utilization of Enterprise Architecture …
utmost importance. The present study investigates the utilization of Enterprise Architecture …
[PDF][PDF] Social-legal foundations of information security of the state, society and individual in Ukraine
I Sopilko, L Rapatska - Scientific Journal of the National Academy …, 2023 - elar.naiau.kiev.ua
■ Abstract. Ukraine is experiencing military aggression due to the full-scale invasion of
Russia, which uses information weapons. Therefore, the problem of ensuring a sufficiently …
Russia, which uses information weapons. Therefore, the problem of ensuring a sufficiently …
A new framework for agile cybersecurity risk management: Integrating continuous adaptation and real-time threat intelligence (ACSRM-ICTI)
In an ever-evolving digital world, where cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly
sophisticated, agility in cybersecurity risk management (CSRM) has become crucial. This …
sophisticated, agility in cybersecurity risk management (CSRM) has become crucial. This …
[HTML][HTML] Recent Trends in Information and Cyber Security Maturity Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review
This work represents a comprehensive and systematic literature review (SLR) that follows
the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) …
the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) …
An enterprise architecture for interpersonal activity knowledge management
S Sonfack Sounchio, L Geneste… - … Knowledge Graphs and …, 2023 - Springer
In today's economy, knowledge is essential for organizations' growth as it allows them to
solve problems, be productive, make decisions, and be competitive. Moreover, personal …
solve problems, be productive, make decisions, and be competitive. Moreover, personal …
Future trends for direction in enterprise architecture: systematic literature review
In the modern business era, enterprise architecture is becoming increasingly important for
companies to achieve their business goals. However, designing and implementing an …
companies to achieve their business goals. However, designing and implementing an …