[KNJIGA][B] Terentia, Tullia and Publilia: the women of Cicero's family

S Treggiari - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
Studying references and writings in over 900 personal letters, an unparalleled source, this
book presents a rounded and intriguing account of the three women who, until now, have …

[KNJIGA][B] Children and asceticism in Late Antiquity: Continuity, family dynamics and the rise of Christianity

V Vuolanto - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
In Late Antiquity the emergence of Christian asceticism challenged the traditional Greco-
Roman views and practices of family life. The resulting discussions on the right way to live a …

[KNJIGA][B] Early Christian dress: Gender, virtue, and authority

K Upson-Saia - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Early Christian Dress is the first full-length monograph on the subject of dress in early
Christianity. It pays attention to the ways in which dress expressed and shaped Christian …

Clothing and adornment

AJ Batten - Biblical Theology Bulletin, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
This guide introduces readers to some of the primary and secondary literature on clothing
and adornment in antiquity, spanning ancient near eastern contexts to those of early …

Octavia Minor and the transition from Republic to Empire

K Moore - 2017 - search.proquest.com
As a “good girl”, Octavia Minor, older sister to Octavian née Augustus, has been
understudied as a historical figure of the Late Republic. Her portrayal as a “good” exempla …

Fecunditas, Sterilitas, and the Politics of Reproduction at Rome

AG Hug - 2014 - yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
This dissertation is a cultural history of the role of human fertility–fecunditas–in Ancient
Roman society c. 200 BC–AD 250. I ask how the Romans chose to understand human …

Female status and gender on the Roman frontier in Britain: Between representation and reality

R Crook - Un-Roman Sex, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter focuses on primary sources, funerary monuments, and the Vindolanda tablets
to show that the construction of gender and its correspondence with status was a complex …

Political Conversations in the Houses of Roman Women: Livy's Account of the Bacchanalia in 186 BCE

HI Flower - American Journal of Philology, 2024 - muse.jhu.edu
This paper focuses on women's houses in republican Rome and political conversations that
took place in this gendered domestic context. The Bacchanalian" conspiracy" provides …

Des femmes, des hommes, des briques: prosopographie sénatoriale et figlinae alimentant le marché urbain

F Chausson - Archeologia classica: rivista del dipartimento di scienze …, 2005 - torrossa.com
Un des principaux intéréts des estampilles sur briques et tuiles diffusées sur le marché
édilitaire de l'Vrbs et de ses environs est de nous faire connaItre le nom de quelquesuns des …

L'acconciatura a toupet di riccioli nei ritratti femminili scolpiti e dipinti: cronologia e valenze sociali

L Buccino - Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di …, 2017 - torrossa.com
vità6. Sono in fondo le stesse virtù richieste a una Augusta, anche se nel contesto imperiale
risultano amplificate a comprendere la continuità, la prosperità, la stabilità non di un ristretto …