Deformation of crystals: Connections with statistical physics
We give a bird's-eye view of the plastic deformation of crystals aimed at the statistical
physics community, as well as a broad introduction to the statistical theories of forced rigid …
physics community, as well as a broad introduction to the statistical theories of forced rigid …
Transition from reversible to irreversible flow: Absorbing and depinning transitions in a sheared-vortex system
S Okuma, Y Tsugawa, A Motohashi - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2011 - APS
We provide evidence that a reversible to irreversible flow transition (RIT), as reported in
driven colloidal particles, occurs in periodically sheared vortices in a Corbino-disk …
driven colloidal particles, occurs in periodically sheared vortices in a Corbino-disk …
How the vortex lattice of a superconductor becomes disordered: a study by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
M Zehetmayer - Scientific Reports, 2015 - nature.com
Order-disorder transitions take place in many physical systems, but observing them in detail
in real materials is difficult. In two-or quasi-two-dimensional systems, the transition has been …
in real materials is difficult. In two-or quasi-two-dimensional systems, the transition has been …
Evidence of second-order transition and critical scaling for the dynamical ordering transition in current-driven vortices
Dynamical ordering from a disordered plastic flow to an anisotropically ordered smectic flow
induced by a dc force has been studied in various many-particle systems, including vortices …
induced by a dc force has been studied in various many-particle systems, including vortices …
Memory formation and evolution of the vortex configuration associated with random organization
We study the general phenomenon of random organization using a vortex system. When a
periodic shear with a small shear amplitude d inp is applied to many-particle (vortex) …
periodic shear with a small shear amplitude d inp is applied to many-particle (vortex) …
Debye screening of dislocations
Debye-like screening by edge dislocations of some externally given stress is studied by
means of a variational approach to coarse grained field theory. Explicitly given are the force …
means of a variational approach to coarse grained field theory. Explicitly given are the force …
Shear banding, intermittency, jamming, and dynamic phases for skyrmions in inhomogeneous pinning arrays
We examine driven skyrmion dynamics in systems with inhomogeneous pinning where a
strip of strong pinning coexists with a region containing no pinning. For driving parallel to the …
strip of strong pinning coexists with a region containing no pinning. For driving parallel to the …
Probability distribution of internal stress in relaxed dislocation systems
The probability distribution of the internal shear stress generated by systems of straight,
parallel edge dislocations is studied. The stress distribution functions of randomly distributed …
parallel edge dislocations is studied. The stress distribution functions of randomly distributed …
Rectification of vortex motion in a circular ratchet channel
We study the dynamics of vortices in an asymmetric (ie, consisting of triangular cells) ring
channel driven by an external ac current I in a Corbino setup. The asymmetric potential …
channel driven by an external ac current I in a Corbino setup. The asymmetric potential …
Mixing, Ergodicity and the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in complex systems
Complex systems such as glasses, gels, granular materials, and systems far from
equilibrium exhibit violation of the ergodic hypothesis (EH) and of the fluctuation-dissipation …
equilibrium exhibit violation of the ergodic hypothesis (EH) and of the fluctuation-dissipation …