[КНИГА][B] Limit cycles of differential equations
C Christopher, C Li, J Torregrosa - 2007 - Springer
My aim in these notes is to consider some of the topics which surround the Poincaré center-
focus problem for polynomial systems. That is, given a polynomial system x= P (x, y), y= Q (x …
focus problem for polynomial systems. That is, given a polynomial system x= P (x, y), y= Q (x …
[PDF][PDF] Higher order averaging theory for finding periodic solutions via Brouwer degree
In this paper we deal with nonlinear differential systems of the form x′(t)= k∑ i= 0 εiFi (t, x)+
εk+ 1R (t, x, ε), where Fi: R× D→ Rn for i= 0, 1,···, k, and R: R× D×(− ε0, ε0)→ Rn are …
εk+ 1R (t, x, ε), where Fi: R× D→ Rn for i= 0, 1,···, k, and R: R× D×(− ε0, ε0)→ Rn are …
Equivalence of the Melnikov function method and the averaging method
There is a folklore about the equivalence between the Melnikov method and the averaging
method for studying the number of limit cycles, which are bifurcated from the period annulus …
method for studying the number of limit cycles, which are bifurcated from the period annulus …
A new result on averaging theory for a class of discontinuous planar differential systems with applications.
A new result on averaging theory for a class of discontinuous planar differential systems with
applications Page 1 Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 33 (2017), no. 4, 1247–1265 doi 10.4171/rmi/970 c …
applications Page 1 Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 33 (2017), no. 4, 1247–1265 doi 10.4171/rmi/970 c …
Limit cycles bifurcating from the periodic orbits of a discontinuous piecewise linear differentiable center with two zones
We study a class of discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with two zones
separated by the straight line x= 0. In x> 0, we have a linear saddle with its equilibrium point …
separated by the straight line x= 0. In x> 0, we have a linear saddle with its equilibrium point …
Melnikov functions of arbitrary order for piecewise smooth differential systems in Rn and applications
X Chen, T Li, J Llibre - Journal of differential equations, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper we develop an arbitrary order Melnikov function to study limit cycles bifurcating
from a periodic submanifold for autonomous piecewise smooth differential systems in R n …
from a periodic submanifold for autonomous piecewise smooth differential systems in R n …
Persistence of periodic solutions for higher order perturbed differential systems via Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction
In this work we first provide sufficient conditions to assure the persistence of some zeros of
functions having the form $\begin {align*}\newcommand {\e}{\varepsilon}\newcommand …
functions having the form $\begin {align*}\newcommand {\e}{\varepsilon}\newcommand …
[HTML][HTML] Bifurcations of small limit cycles in Liénard systems with cubic restoring terms
Y Tian, M Han, F Xu - Journal of Differential Equations, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study bifurcations of small-amplitude limit cycles of Liénard systems of the
form x˙= y− F (x), y˙=− g (x), where g (x) is a cubic polynomial, and F (x) is a smooth or …
form x˙= y− F (x), y˙=− g (x), where g (x) is a cubic polynomial, and F (x) is a smooth or …
[HTML][HTML] Averaging methods of arbitrary order, periodic solutions and integrability
In this paper we provide an arbitrary order averaging theory for higher dimensional periodic
analytic differential systems. This result extends and improves results on averaging theory of …
analytic differential systems. This result extends and improves results on averaging theory of …
Averaging theory of arbitrary order for piecewise smooth differential systems and its application
L Wei, X Zhang - Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2018 - Springer
The averaging theory for studying periodic orbits of smooth differential systems has a long
history. Whereas the averaging theory for piecewise smooth differential systems appeared …
history. Whereas the averaging theory for piecewise smooth differential systems appeared …