50 years of computational wind engineering: past, present and future
B Blocken - Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial …, 2014 - Elsevier
In the past 50 years, Computational Wind Engineering (CWE) has undergone a successful
transition from an emerging field into an increasingly established field in wind engineering …
transition from an emerging field into an increasingly established field in wind engineering …
Advances of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applications in agricultural building modelling: Research, applications and challenges
PE Bournet, F Rojano - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach is a versatile technique being
applied to multiple areas of knowledge. CFD approach has contributed to comprehensively …
applied to multiple areas of knowledge. CFD approach has contributed to comprehensively …
CFD simulation of cross-ventilation for a generic isolated building: Impact of computational parameters
Accurate CFD simulation of coupled outdoor wind flow and indoor air flow is essential for the
design and evaluation of natural cross-ventilation strategies for buildings. It is widely …
design and evaluation of natural cross-ventilation strategies for buildings. It is widely …
[KNYGA][B] Fire dynamics simulator--Technical reference guide
KB McGrattan, HR Baum, RG Rehm, A Hamins… - 2000 - nvlpubs.nist.gov
The idea that the dynamics of a fire might be studied numerically dates back to the
beginning of the computer age. Indeed, the fundamental conservation equations governing …
beginning of the computer age. Indeed, the fundamental conservation equations governing …
Applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the modelling and design of ventilation systems in the agricultural industry: A review
The application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the agricultural industry is
becoming ever more important. Over the years, the versatility, accuracy and user …
becoming ever more important. Over the years, the versatility, accuracy and user …
CFD analysis of cross-ventilation of a generic isolated building with asymmetric opening positions: Impact of roof angle and opening location
The position of window openings and roof inclination are important parameters determining
the effectiveness of wind-driven cross-ventilation in buildings. Many studies on natural …
the effectiveness of wind-driven cross-ventilation in buildings. Many studies on natural …
Effect of vent arrangement on windward ventilation of a tunnel greenhouse
T Bartzanas, T Boulard, C Kittas - Biosystems Engineering, 2004 - Elsevier
The effect of ventilation configuration of a tunnel greenhouse with crop on airflow and
temperature patterns was numerically investigated using a commercial computational fluid …
temperature patterns was numerically investigated using a commercial computational fluid …
Survey of cooling technologies for worldwide agricultural greenhouse applications
This paper reviews the available worldwide cooling technologies for agricultural
greenhouses and discusses the representative applications of each technology. Relevant …
greenhouses and discusses the representative applications of each technology. Relevant …
Effect of ventilator configuration on the distributed climate of greenhouses: A review of experimental and CFD studies
PE Bournet, T Boulard - Computers and electronics in agriculture, 2010 - Elsevier
Ventilation processes inside the greenhouse strongly affect air renewal and internal climatic
conditions, which themselves interact with the growth and homogeneity of the crop. Natural …
conditions, which themselves interact with the growth and homogeneity of the crop. Natural …
The effect of dynamic solar heat load on the greenhouse microclimate using CFD simulation
A Saberian, SM Sajadiye - Renewable Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
Indoor greenhouse temperature exceeds tolerable range for plants growth mostly during the
summer in Ahvaz-Iran. Attempts for improving ventilation in summer was not adequate …
summer in Ahvaz-Iran. Attempts for improving ventilation in summer was not adequate …