[PDF][PDF] CrossFlow: Cross-organizational workflow management in dynamic virtual enterprises

P Grefen, K Aberer, Y Hoffner… - … Systems Science & …, 2000 - infoscience.epfl.ch
Nowadays, many organizations form dynamic partnerships to effectively deal with market
requirements. Companies focus on their core business and outsource secondary activities to …

Efficient keyword search across heterogeneous relational databases

M Sayyadian, H LeKhac, AH Doan… - 2007 IEEE 23rd …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Keyword search is a familiar and potentially effective way to find information of interest that
is" locked" inside relational databases. Current work has generally assumed that answers …

Communicating open systems

M d'Inverno, M Luck, P Noriega… - Artificial …, 2012 - research.gold.ac.uk
Just as conventional institutions are organisational structures for coordinating the activities
of multiple interacting individuals, electronic institutions provide a computational analogue …

[PDF][PDF] Software agents as next generation software components

ML Griss - Component-based software engineering, 2001 - academia.edu
The increasing volume of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B)
Internet traffic provides great opportunity to delegate information search, analysis, and …

Commitments for agent-based supply chain management

M Verdicchio, M Colombetti - ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 2001 - dl.acm.org
As supply chain networks are becoming more and more global, process coordination must
be considered a crucial point for successful business management. The need for a suitable …

An architecture for cross-organisational business processes

Y Hoffner, H Lwdwig, C Gulcu… - … Workshop on Advanced …, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Efficient means of electronic interaction are an essential requirement for the integration of
different companies' business processes along the value chain. Until recently, this …

Agent-based workflow management systems (WfMSs) JBees: a distributed and adaptive WfMS with monitoring and controlling capabilities

L Ehrler, M Fleurke, M Purvis… - Information Systems and E …, 2006 - Springer
Workflow management systems (WfMSs) based on agent technology can cope with the
rapidly evolving business environment better than most other systems as they are more …

Task management

SG Thompson, BR Odgers - US Patent 7,441,232, 2008 - Google Patents

Agent-based integration of web services with workflow management systems

BTR Savarimuthu, M Purvis, M Purvis… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - dl.acm.org
Rapid changes in the business environment call for more flexible and adaptive workflow
systems. Researchers have proposed that Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) …

What agents can do in workflow management systems

P Delias, A Doulamis, N Matsatsinis - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2011 - Springer
Workflow management systems are an emerging category of information systems, currently
under dynamic evolution. On the other hand software agents are a distinct research area as …