Nanographenes and graphene nanoribbons as multitalents of present and future materials science
As cut-outs from a graphene sheet, nanographenes (NGs) and graphene nanoribbons
(GNRs) are ideal cases with which to connect the world of molecules with that of bulk carbon …
(GNRs) are ideal cases with which to connect the world of molecules with that of bulk carbon …
Dynamic magnetic and thermodynamic behaviors of edge-modified graphene-like nanoparticles in a time-dependent magnetic field
Z Liu, W Wang, D Lv, B Li - Applied Physics A, 2024 - Springer
The dynamic magnetic and thermodynamic behaviors of the mixed-spin (1/2, 1, 3/2) Ising
edge-modified graphene-like nanoparticles in a time-dependent magnetic field are studied …
edge-modified graphene-like nanoparticles in a time-dependent magnetic field are studied …
Compensation temperature and hysteresis behaviors of the ferrimagnetic bilayer zigzag graphyne nanoribbon with RKKY interaction
J Lv, F Zhang, W Wang, B Li - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this study, a bilayer zigzag graphyne nanoribbon with RKKY interaction is described using
a ferrimagnetic mixed-spin (2, 5/2) Ising model. The compensation behaviors and hysteresis …
a ferrimagnetic mixed-spin (2, 5/2) Ising model. The compensation behaviors and hysteresis …
Compensation and critical characteristics of the ferrimagnetic bilayer graphdiyne film with RKKY interaction
B Li, W Wang, J Lv, M Yang, F Wang - Applied Physics A, 2022 - Springer
A Monte Carlo study is carried out to examine the compensation and critical characteristics
of the ferrimagnetic bilayer graphdiyne film through the mixed spin-3/2 and spin-5/2 Ising …
of the ferrimagnetic bilayer graphdiyne film through the mixed spin-3/2 and spin-5/2 Ising …
Magnetization plateaus and the susceptibilities of a nano-graphene sandwich-like structure
W Jiang, YN Wang, AB Guo, YY Yang, KL Shi - Carbon, 2016 - Elsevier
Ising model with the anisotropy is abstracted based on a nano-graphene sandwich-like
structure. The system consists of a ferromagnetic middle layer and two antiferromagnetic …
structure. The system consists of a ferromagnetic middle layer and two antiferromagnetic …
Monte Carlo study of magnetic behaviors in a quadrangle ferrimagnetic Ising nanoisland
Y Yang, W Wang, D Lv, J Liu, Z Gao, Z Wang - Journal of Physics and …, 2018 - Elsevier
In this paper, using the Monte Carlo simulation, the magnetic behaviors of a ferrimagnetic
mixed-spin (3/2, 5/2) nanoisland with quadrangle core-shell structure in the external …
mixed-spin (3/2, 5/2) nanoisland with quadrangle core-shell structure in the external …
Study on magnetic properties of a nano-graphene bilayer
W Jiang, YY Yang, AB Guo - Carbon, 2015 - Elsevier
A nano-graphene bilayer is described by a transverse Ising model with single-ion
anisotropy. The upper layer consists of spin 3/2 with an antiferromagnetic exchange …
anisotropy. The upper layer consists of spin 3/2 with an antiferromagnetic exchange …
Compensation temperatures and hysteresis behaviors of a graphene-like trilayer
Y An, J Liang, W Wang, M Du… - … in Theoretical Physics, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
This work focuses on the ground-state phase diagram, the compensation temperatures and
the critical behaviors of a ferrimagnetic graphene-like trilayer induced by crystal fields and …
the critical behaviors of a ferrimagnetic graphene-like trilayer induced by crystal fields and …
Dilution effects on compensation temperature in nano-trilayer graphene structure: Monte Carlo study
Z Fadil, M Qajjour, A Mhirech, B Kabouchi… - Physica B: Condensed …, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the magnetic properties of a diluted trilayer graphene structure with
non-equivalent planes. The spins of the planes forming the trilayer systems ABA and BAB …
non-equivalent planes. The spins of the planes forming the trilayer systems ABA and BAB …
The magnetic behaviors and magnetocaloric effect of a nano-graphene bilayer: a Monte Carlo study
L Sun, W Wang, C Liu, B Xu, D Lv, Z Gao - Superlattices and …, 2021 - Elsevier
By means of the Monte Carlo simulation, the influence of exchange couplings and the
applied magnetic field on the magnetic behaviors and magnetocaloric effect of a …
applied magnetic field on the magnetic behaviors and magnetocaloric effect of a …