[КНИГА][B] Overcoming objectification: A carnal ethics

AJ Cahill - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Objectification is a foundational concept in feminist theory, used to analyze such disparate
social phenomena as sex work, representation of women's bodies, and sexual harassment …

Competing platform imaginaries of NSFW content creation on OnlyFans

E Van der Nagel - Porn Studies, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This article investigates the competing platform imaginary of content subscription platform
OnlyFans. A feminist content analysis of news articles, memes, and posts to the official …

Mandatory age verification for pornography access: Why it can't and won't 'save the children'

Z Stardust, A Obeid, A McKee, D Angus - Big Data & Society, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Age verification is currently gaining traction among some western democracies as a means
to restrict minors' access to online pornography. In this article we consider the ramifications …

[КНИГА][B] Attitudes matter: The 2021 national community attitudes towards violence against women survey (NCAS), findings for Australia

C Coumarelos, N Weeks, S Bernstein, N Roberts… - 2023 - anrows.org.au
This material was produced with funding from the Australian Government. Australia's
National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) gratefully acknowledges …

The (not so) secret governors of the internet: Morality policing and platform politics

ZJ McDowell, K Tiidenberg - Convergence, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
A growing body of academic work on internet governance focuses on the 'deplatforming of
sex', or the removal and suppression of sexual expression from the internet. Often, this is …

[HTML][HTML] Sexist academic socialization and feminist resistance:(de) constructing women's (dis) placement in Brazilian accounting academia

JPR de Lima, SPCC Nova… - Critical Perspectives on …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, we analyze women's experiences in the Brazilian accounting academia to
understand how entrenched sexism shapes their socialization process. We argue that the …

[КНИГА][B] Watching Game of Thrones: How audiences engage with dark television

M Barker, C Smith, F Attwood - 2021 - books.google.com
Game of Thrones was an international sensation, and has been looked at from many
different angles. But to date there has been little research into its audiences: who they were …

[КНИГА][B] Sirens of Modernity

S Sunya - 2022 - luminosoa.org
In his 1977 Experiment in Autobiography, prolific Indian filmmaker and writer KA Abbas
characterizes his choice to work within the Bombay industry as necessitating compromise on …

Hate narratives, conditioned language and networked harassment: A new breed of anti-shipper and anti-fan–antis

S Aburime - Journal of Fandom Studies, 2022 - intellectdiscover.com
In recent years hostility amongst fans based on what a person ships or tolerates in ship**
has become a growing point of contention in western fandom. This has resulted in an 'anti …

Whose concerns? Young adults discussing (their) concerns with pornography

R Thorneycroft, E Smith, L Nicholas - Sex Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Concerns regarding pornography have always existed, and perhaps this is nowhere more
pronounced than in the contexts of young people's viewing. Pornography is often framed in …