Raman spectroscopy of minerals and mineral pigments in archaeometry
Minerals, as raw structural materials or pigments, play a fundamental role in archaeometry,
for the understanding of nature, structure and status of an artefact or object of interest for …
for the understanding of nature, structure and status of an artefact or object of interest for …
Understanding multispectral imaging of cultural heritage: Determining best practice in MSI analysis of historical artefacts
Although multispectral imaging (MSI) of cultural heritage, such as manuscripts, documents
and artwork, is becoming more popular, a variety of approaches are taken and methods are …
and artwork, is becoming more popular, a variety of approaches are taken and methods are …
Reflectance imaging spectroscopy in heritage science
Reflectance imaging spectroscopy in heritage science | La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento Skip to
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main content Springer Nature Link Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track your …
[HTML][HTML] Analytical and mathematical methods for revealing hidden details in ancient manuscripts and paintings: A review
In this work, a critical review of the current nondestructive probing and image analysis
approaches is presented, to revealing otherwise invisible or hardly discernible details in …
approaches is presented, to revealing otherwise invisible or hardly discernible details in …
Laser spectroscopies for elemental and molecular analysis in art and archaeology
Spectroscopic methods using laser sources have significantly improved our capacity to
unravel the chemical composition of works of art and archaeological remains. Lasers …
unravel the chemical composition of works of art and archaeological remains. Lasers …
Near infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy to map paint binders in situ on illuminated manuscripts
P Ricciardi, JK Delaney, M Facini… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
In recent years, visible and near infrared (NIR) reflectance imaging spectroscopy, ie, the
collection of contiguous calibrated spectral images to provide the reflectance spectra for …
collection of contiguous calibrated spectral images to provide the reflectance spectra for …
High-definition X-ray fluorescence elemental map** of paintings
A historical self-portrait painted by Sir Arthur Streeton (1867–1943) has been studied with
fast-scanning X-ray fluorescence microscopy using synchrotron radiation. One of the …
fast-scanning X-ray fluorescence microscopy using synchrotron radiation. One of the …
[HTML][HTML] Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and imaging: new approaches to the analysis of cultural heritage and its degradation
Applications of time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy (TRPL) and fluorescence
lifetime imaging (FLIM) to the analysis of cultural heritage are presented. Examples range …
lifetime imaging (FLIM) to the analysis of cultural heritage are presented. Examples range …
Pigment-size effect on the physico-chemical behavior of azurite-tempera dosimeters upon natural and accelerated photo aging
C Cardell, A Herrera, I Guerra, N Navas, LR Simón… - Dyes and …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper presents the first comprehensive study on the role played by pigment particle
size in pigment-binder interactions, and thus susceptibility to aging of azurite-rabbit glue …
size in pigment-binder interactions, and thus susceptibility to aging of azurite-rabbit glue …
Look but don't touch: Non-invasive chemical analysis of organic paint binders–A review
Diagnostics on historical art samples are decisive for assessing degradation and
understanding the chemical composition of supports and polychromies. These …
understanding the chemical composition of supports and polychromies. These …