Challenges and opportunities in biomass ash management and its utilization in novel applications
To reduce greenhouse emissions, the utilization of biomass is a proficient path for producing
power and its impact on accumulative carbon footprint. Generation of power using biomass …
power and its impact on accumulative carbon footprint. Generation of power using biomass …
Zeolites: a theoretical and practical approach with uses in (bio) chemical processes
This review provides a state-of-the-art summary of distributed zeolite technology, as well as
identifying strategies to further promote the absorption of these materials in various areas of …
identifying strategies to further promote the absorption of these materials in various areas of …
Utilization of rice husk and waste aluminum cans for the synthesis of some nanosized zeolite, zeolite/zeolite, and geopolymer/zeolite products for the efficient removal …
In this paper, rice husk and waste aluminum cans were exploited as silicon and aluminum
sources, respectively for the low-cost synthesis of some nanosized zeolite, zeolite/zeolite …
sources, respectively for the low-cost synthesis of some nanosized zeolite, zeolite/zeolite …
Application of agro-waste rice husk ash for the removal of phosphate from the wastewater
Discharge of phosphate into aquatic environment by various human activities such as
agricultural runoff, animal waste, sewage, industry and detergents, leads to the deterioration …
agricultural runoff, animal waste, sewage, industry and detergents, leads to the deterioration …
[HTML][HTML] Investigation of kinetics, thermodynamics, and environmental factors of biodiesel generation from sunflower and castor oil using rice husk ash/CuO/K2CO3 …
In the current study, rice husk ash (RHA) was used as a support in the fabrication of a
heterogeneous catalyst (RHA/CuO/K 2 CO 3) for generating biodiesel from sunflower and …
heterogeneous catalyst (RHA/CuO/K 2 CO 3) for generating biodiesel from sunflower and …
Characterization of rice husk ash produced using different biomass combustion techniques for energy
Rice husk is the main byproduct of industrial processing of rice, and is a widely used
byproduct in Brazil and worldwide as biomass in energy production, reducing environmental …
byproduct in Brazil and worldwide as biomass in energy production, reducing environmental …
Sustainable synthesis of multifunctional nanomaterials from rice wastes: a comprehensive review
More than 60% of India's population relies on agriculture as their primary source of income,
making it the nation's most important economic sector. Rice husk (often abbreviated as RH) …
making it the nation's most important economic sector. Rice husk (often abbreviated as RH) …
CO2 adsorption capacity of zeolites synthesized from coal fly ashes
Given the increase in CO 2 emissions, the adsorption process using zeolites are proposed
to remove this compound from combustion gases in pulverized coal power plants. Besides it …
to remove this compound from combustion gases in pulverized coal power plants. Besides it …
Supplemental use of rice husk ash (RHA) as a cementitious material in concrete industry
The incorporation of supplementary cementitious material (SCM) in the concrete industry
has become a common practice in recent years. Addition of SCMs (eg, fly ash and silica …
has become a common practice in recent years. Addition of SCMs (eg, fly ash and silica …
[HTML][HTML] Generation of high quality biogenic silica by combustion of rice husk and rice straw combined with pre-and post-treatment strategies—A review
Utilization of biomass either as a renewable energy source or for the generation of biogenic
materials has received considerable interest during the past years. In the case of rice husk …
materials has received considerable interest during the past years. In the case of rice husk …