[HTML][HTML] The case for digging deeper: soil organic carbon storage, dynamics, and controls in our changing world
Most of our terrestrial carbon (C) storage occurs in soils as organic C derived from living
organisms. Therefore, the fate of soil organic C (SOC) in response to changes in climate …
organisms. Therefore, the fate of soil organic C (SOC) in response to changes in climate …
Nutrient acquisition from arable subsoils in temperate climates: a review
In arable farming systems, the term 'subsoil'refers to the soil beneath the tilled or formerly
tilled soil horizon whereas the latter one is denoted as 'topsoil'. To date, most agronomic and …
tilled soil horizon whereas the latter one is denoted as 'topsoil'. To date, most agronomic and …
Pathways of mineral‐associated soil organic matter formation: Integrating the role of plant carbon source, chemistry, and point of entry
To predict the behavior of the terrestrial carbon cycle, it is critical to understand the source,
formation pathway, and chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM). There is …
formation pathway, and chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM). There is …
Deep soil organic matter—a key but poorly understood component of terrestrial C cycle
C Rumpel, I Kögel-Knabner - Plant and soil, 2011 - Springer
Despite their low carbon (C) content, most subsoil horizons contribute to more than half of
the total soil C stocks, and therefore need to be considered in the global C cycle. Until …
the total soil C stocks, and therefore need to be considered in the global C cycle. Until …
[HTML][HTML] Natural and managed soil structure: On the fragile scaffolding for soil functioning
Soil structure in natural systems is a product of complex interactions between biological
activity, climate and soil minerals that promote aggregation and accumulation of biopores. In …
activity, climate and soil minerals that promote aggregation and accumulation of biopores. In …
Stabilised carbon in subsoil horizons is located in spatially distinct parts of the soil profile
Soil organic matter (SOM) stabilisation in subsoil horizons received much attention in recent
years, due to the presence of compounds with very long residence times. The reasons for …
years, due to the presence of compounds with very long residence times. The reasons for …
The unexplored role of preferential flow in soil carbon dynamics
Water is a crucial factor controlling the fate and processing of soil organics. Water commonly
flows through the vadose zone via preferential flow pathways, resulting in nonuniform and …
flows through the vadose zone via preferential flow pathways, resulting in nonuniform and …
Temporal persistence of spatial patterns in throughfall
Spatial and temporal variability of throughfall beneath forests are potentially important
controls on soil processes, watershed hydrology, and biogeochemistry. We used a set of 94 …
controls on soil processes, watershed hydrology, and biogeochemistry. We used a set of 94 …
Organic carbon sequestration in earthworm burrows
Earthworms strongly affect soil organic carbon cycling. The aim of this study was to
determine whether deep burrowing anecic earthworms enhance carbon storage in soils and …
determine whether deep burrowing anecic earthworms enhance carbon storage in soils and …
Research on subsoil biopores and their functions in organically managed soils: A review
T Kautz - Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2015 - cambridge.org
The living soil is the basis for crop production in organic agriculture. Biopores are voids in
the soil which were formed by the activity of soil life. The first scientific studies on biopores …
the soil which were formed by the activity of soil life. The first scientific studies on biopores …