The drivers of the integration of the sustainable development goals into the non‐financial information system: Individual and joint analysis of their influence
In response to recent calls about the need to improve the current understanding of what
drives SDG reporting, this paper analyzes the individual and joint effect of a broad array of …
drives SDG reporting, this paper analyzes the individual and joint effect of a broad array of …
Effect of CSR implementation and crisis events in business on the financial management of SMEs
J Dvorský, I Švihlíková, L Kozubíková… - Technological and …, 2023 -
The financial management of a business is an integral part of strategic management. Small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are vulnerable to the presence of crisis events in the …
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are vulnerable to the presence of crisis events in the …
SMEs sustainability: The role of human resource management, corporate social responsibility and financial management
Research background: The sustainability of small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
represents a significant scientific and professional problem in the current turbulent period …
represents a significant scientific and professional problem in the current turbulent period …
[HTML][HTML] CSR statements in international and Czech luxury fashion industry at the onset and during the COVID-19 pandemic—slowing down the fast fashion business?
COVID-19 leads to a reinforced need to address sustainability at the economic,
environmental, and social pillars, and the six categories of Corporate Social Responsibility …
environmental, and social pillars, and the six categories of Corporate Social Responsibility …
The EU regulation of sustainable investment: The end of sustainability trade-offs?
AP Balcerzak, RK MacGregor… - … and Economics Review, 2023 -
Objective: The objective of the article is to explore and assess whether the SFDR legal
framework creates a legitimate, effective, and efficient mechanism that supports a genuinely …
framework creates a legitimate, effective, and efficient mechanism that supports a genuinely …
Luxury, slow and fast fashion: A case study on the (un) sustainable creating of shared values
R MacGregor Pelikánová, M Sani - Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of …, 2023 -
Research background: Since crises magnify differences and bring both challenges and
opportunities, the current complex global setting makes the mutual interconnection a …
opportunities, the current complex global setting makes the mutual interconnection a …
Influencing ESG perception in SMEs through CSR, business ethics, and HRM: An empirical study in V4 countries
The aim of the paper is to define the important factors of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR), Business Ethics (BE), and Human Resource Management (HRM), and to quantify …
(CSR), Business Ethics (BE), and Human Resource Management (HRM), and to quantify …
The integration of corporate social responsibility and marketing concepts as a business strategy: evidence from SEM-based multivariate and Toda-Yamamoto …
D Streimikiene, RR Ahmed - Oeconomia Copernicana, 2021 -
Research background: This paper integrates the marketing and corporate social
responsibility concepts by investigating how the previous studies de-bated CSR as a …
responsibility concepts by investigating how the previous studies de-bated CSR as a …
Communication strategies for the 2030 agenda commitments: A multivariate approach
Companies are fully aware of the importance of including the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, and of the importance …
Goals (SDGs) in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, and of the importance …
New trends in codes of ethics: Czech business ethics preferences by the dawn of COVID-19
R MacGregor Pelikánová, RK MacGregor… - Oeconomia …, 2021 -
Research background: The morality and sustainability depend upon the active engagement
of all stakeholders. Businesses might have to observe minimum standards via their …
of all stakeholders. Businesses might have to observe minimum standards via their …